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Olympic 2024: The Language of Time Passed Down for Over Nine Decades by Omega

Author: Kantinan Srisan | Photographer: Courtesy of Olympic Games Paris 2024 & OMEGA

Jul 26, 2024

“...In the grand narrative of human achievements, 'language' stands as a medium that bridges and transcends numerous limitations. Among the myriad of languages spoken worldwide, one particular language that connects people from diverse origins and cultures is not from any superpower nation, but rather the 'language of time'...”

Image Courtesy of Olympic Games Paris 2024

How, then, does this narrative relate to the grand spectacle of the Olympics? Many might ponder this question. To fully comprehend it, we must revisit the origins of this magnificent sporting event. In its early days, the languages used for the games were exclusively English and French, which were the dominant global powers at the time. This was before the inclusion of the host nation's language in later years.

Image Courtesy of OMEGA

At first glance, this may not seem closely related to the concept of time. However, as a competition with distinct start and end points, time acts as the organiser of the Olympics. It regulates ceremonies and events, dictating the start and finish of competitions and ensuring the smooth execution of schedules. Time thus becomes a wondrous language that allows people from various backgrounds to understand and visualise events in a unified manner, without uttering a single word. Given the global interest in the Olympics, precise and flawless timekeeping is not just an option but an essential element across multiple dimensions.

Image Courtesy of OMEGA

Therefore, it is no surprise that the Olympics have entrusted Omega with the role of the 'official timekeeper' since 1932, and for the Paralympics since 1992. Omega's long-standing association with numerous sports, coupled with its cutting-edge innovation in precision timekeeping and its reputation as a premier watchmaker, makes it the perfect choice for this prestigious role.

Image Courtesy of OMEGA

“It is impossible to imagine the success of the Olympic Games without recognising the pivotal role of OMEGA in such a grand international event”

William Henry, Technical Director of Sports

Image Courtesy of OMEGA

For the 34th Olympic Games, the brand has officially announced that Omega will oversee the timekeeping for 392 events across 32 sports. This declaration assures us that the wondrous language of time, as communicated by Omega, will once again unite viewers both onsite and around the world in a shared understanding and experience.

Also See: Omega Celebrates Olympic 2024 greatness with the Omega Paris 2024 Bronze Gold Edition