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Legend Read: Exploring the Fascination of ‘The Theory of Acting, Training, Coaching and Directing Actors’ by Associate Professor Dr. Sammiti Sukbunjhong

Author: Kantinan Srisan | Photographer: Somkiat Kangsdalwirun

Jul 05, 2024

"…The art of being genuine in performance and the small nuances that make a significant difference in the outcome of 'acting'…"

It is perhaps not surprising to say that acting, playing, or theatre has long been one of the sources of entertainment for people since ancient Greek times, the Middle Ages, and the flourishing periods of art such as the Renaissance, up to the present day. Although the mediums of performance have changed with the times, the essence or heart of acting has almost never changed.

This book is a product of the distilled experience and talent of Associate Professor Dr. Sammiti Sukbunjhong, accumulated over 25 years through teaching, training, and directing performances at both the university and professional levels. While it seems to be closely tied to the characteristics of modern performance, the book’s in-depth exploration of the history, foundations, and origins of acting makes it not only beneficial for students interested in the field of acting but also highly intriguing for those interested in the history of humanity. This time, #Legend_th will guide readers through the fascinating depths of this book.

As previously mentioned, this book does not solely focus on modern acting techniques but begins from the foundational history of acting that emerged from the very first steps on Earth. Thus, Chapter 1 discusses the history of human performance that starts from birth, the meaning of 'acting', the scope of performance, and the origins of acting from ancient Greek times to the present. It also delves into the deeper meaning of training, teaching, and directing in the context of performance.

Continuing Chapter 2, it delves into the story of 'Theories of Acting and Influential Trainers Worldwide', discussing theories of acting categorised broadly into three eras: Classical Acting, Modern Acting, and Post-modern Acting. Each era has undergone significant changes and intriguing developments, along with narratives of influential trainers who have laid the foundations for a clear understanding of acting. These diverse principles continue to be applicable and effective in today's era. Moving to Chapter 3, a special highlight of this book is the author's interviews with qualified experts and industry specialists. These interviews aim to present perspectives and principles of teaching and performing in Thailand, offering an increasingly comprehensive view.

In Chapter 4, which serves as a true centrepiece for readers pursuing studies in acting, the author specifically addresses the roles and responsibilities of actors, including essential requirements and preparations both physically and mentally for professional actors. This chapter is crucial as it provides a detailed exploration of the intricacies of the actor's profession. Chapter 5, 'Acting for Reality Show', marks an important period for those interested in the profound meaning of reality-based performances. Here, the author discusses the significance, evolution, and origins of reality shows both in Thailand and internationally. Furthermore, the chapter delves into theories and teaching methods that contribute to achieving quality performances in this specific kind of acting.

In the final part, Chapters 6 and 7, the discussion revolves around beliefs regarding stage and screen acting, including the structures and differences in communication styles between television and film. It also covers the training for online media platforms, which have become a primary medium for consumers today. These chapters offer advice and guidelines on working with actors in the new era, emphasising the need to integrate acting skills with the constantly evolving narratives of communication technology.

After exploring each topic and the interesting aspects of each chapter in the book, #Legend_th concludes that "The Theory of Acting, Training, Coaching and Directing Actors" is an outstanding book that vividly portrays the world of acting internationally. It is rich in valuable insights and benefits that are hard to find in other books or activities. It's not only for those passionate about the art of acting but also holds significant value and relevance for general readers of all genders and ages.

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