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Effective way to choose the right foundation based on undertone

Author: Yongyut Termtuo | Photographer: Courtesy of Freepik

Oct 16, 2024

“...Choosing the right foundation shade to match your skin’s undertone can be a daunting task for many women. Amidst the overwhelming array of shades lined up at the beauty counter, there are, in fact, simple techniques you can follow to make the selection process much easier...”

Start by observing the veins on your wrist. If your veins appear purple or have a subtle pink hue, it indicates that you likely have a cool undertone, and foundations with pink tones are your best match. On the other hand, if the veins appear green, it suggests you have a warm undertone, meaning a foundation with a yellow base would complement your skin tone best. For those who see a mixture of colours in their veins, or if both silver and gold jewellery look equally flattering on you, it’s possible you have a neutral undertone. In this case, you can explore a broader range of shades, as both cool and warm-toned foundations can suit your complexion, depending on the occasion or desired look.

Typically, our skin has one of three main undertones: Cool, Warm, or Neutral. Contrary to popular belief, determining your undertone is not as complicated as it may seem. Simply observing the colour of the veins on your wrist can give you a clear indication of your unique undertone.

Undertone refers to the subtle hue that lies beneath the surface of your skin. It has nothing to do with whether your skin is fair or deep, but rather the pigment beneath, which is influenced by melanin. This pigment is hereditary and remains consistent throughout your life, making your undertone a fixed element of your complexion.

Cool Undertone

If you observe the veins on your wrist and notice a purple tone, or if your skin sometimes has a subtle pink hue, this suggests you have a cool undertone. Another way to confirm this is by trying on silver jewellery. If silver enhances your complexion and makes your skin appear brighter compared to gold jewellery, this is another clear sign that you have a cool undertone. In this case, it is best to opt for foundations with pink undertones, as they will complement your skin beautifully.

Warm Undertone

For those who observe green-toned veins on their wrists, this indicates that you have a warm undertone. People with warm undertones often have skin with a yellow or golden hue. Additionally, if wearing gold jewellery makes your skin appear more radiant compared to silver jewellery, this is another clear sign of having a warm undertone. In this case, it’s best to choose foundations with yellow undertones to enhance your natural complexion.

Neutral Undertone

If you notice that your veins appear both purple and green, or if you find that both silver and gold jewellery complement your skin without making it look dull or discoloured, it’s likely that you have a neutral undertone. This undertone offers more flexibility, allowing you to wear a wide range of shades and styles. To find the perfect foundation match, try testing shades that seem close to your complexion along your jawline. This method works well for all undertones and ensures a seamless, natural finish.

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