You can now create personalised playlists for your pets on Spotify
Mar 06, 2020

Dear pawrents, we know that sometimes you wonder what music do your pets like and don’t know what to play for them before bedtime. Whether it’s rock, jazz, pop, hip hop or instrumental, pets have musical taste, too. Thanks to Spotify. We can now customised the pawfect playlists for them by following a few steps online. Read on to find out how it works.
Step 1: pick your pet

Step 2: match the energy level

Step 3: pick his/her friendliness

Step 4: pick his/her personality

Step 5: enter his/her name

Pet playlist

By answering a few personality questions, Spotify will immediately generate 30 relatable songs for your pets, which means that you will be able to play them anywhere you go on your devices. So what are you waiting for? Check it out now on Spotify.