UNITY in art: A fundraiser to support the Rainforest Foundation

Each year, more and more of the Amazon rainforest is lost to cattle ranching, soybean farming, logging and mining. This extreme deforestation depletes the forest of its natural resources and endangers many animal species. Joining the battle to protect the forest and its indigenous communities are nearly 50 artists around the world.

The new initiative, co-founded by non-profit organisation Rainforest Foundation and UNITY, encourages supporters to purchase the artists’ donations of original prints and posters. All sales proceeds are directed towards the Rainforest Foundation, allowing them to secure land rights for indigenous groups, as well as protect the natural forest environment.

“We believe in the power of artists to initiate critical conversations on climate and the health of our world, which cannot breathe without our trees and forests.”

Natureza Morta” by Denilson Baniwa (Credit: UNITY)

Given the current COVID-19 situation, support for the Amazon rainforest is needed more than ever. Indigenous people who are exposed to the foreign virus are lacking proper healthcare, food and government aid. All the while, this global struggle has given illegal land grabbers and loggers the upper hand.

Pieter Hugo, Wolfgang Tillmans and Rineke Dijkstra are among the leading artists supporting the initiative. If you are interested in purchasing a poster or print piece, they are available to order online through the UNITY artwork e-catalogue.

Visit the Rainforest Foundation and UNITY to learn more.

See also: 5 Hong Kong charities that need your help during COVID-19

In this Story: #culture / #art & design