Social influence: beyond the blue tick
Aug 30, 2022
Using Mind Data, a new AI-driven influencer analysis platform, #legend brings you the demographic and psychographic data of our favourite Korean drama stars as a taster of just how deeply data platforms such as these can dig into social media accounts and what insights can be mined from them

Park Seo-joon

- Park has a global following with over 74 per cent hailing from Asia-Pacific, of which 24 per cent are from South Korea
- Women comprise over 80 per cent of total followers
- The majority of his followers are millenials and Gen Z, who comprise 83 per cent of his total following and are between the ages of 18 to 34
- Park’s engagement rate places him at 95 per cent in comparison to other influencers of similar following
- Most of his followers also follow “Park Hyung-sik”, who is known to be his close friend
- Since there lease of his reality show In the Soop: Friendcation the number of likes on his posts has increased
Kim Da-mi

- Kim attracts a higher percentage of female followers than other South Korean actresses at 76 per cent of her total following
- 83 per cent of Kim’s total following are aged between 18 to 34 years of age, spanning the millennial and Gen Z generations
- Kim’s engagement places her above98%of influencers with over 1 million followers
- Most of her followers also follow “Seo Yea-ji” and“Seo Ji-hye”, who are both also professional drama and movie actresses and are considered her main competitors on social media
- Her top three brand affinities are H&M, Chanel and Christian Dior, which shows that her followers are predominantly interested in both high and fast fashion
- Kim’s following has increased since there lease of her movie The Witch: Part2
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