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Q&A: The designers behind TOVE talk sustainability and slow fashion

Sep 08, 2020

Credit: Henry Crowder

While Camille Perry and Holly Wright are dubbed as newcomers in the fashion design realm – having established their brand just a year ago – they are no strangers to the industry. Their disruptive vision for both the brand‘s creative and business facets comes from many years of experience within different vantage points of the industry.

We recently spoke to the designers on conscious consumption and the growing need to shift towards principles and values that resonate with the young generation, which both luxury and mass brands are eager to capture.

Why do you think it’s more important than ever to be disruptive, especially when it comes to the fashion industry’s supply chain and retail format?

The last six months in particular have shifted the sentiment around consumerism dramatically, finally forcing much needed conversations about the industry. We hope that this will create permanent, mindful change where people challenge over production, excessive discounting, and sustainability. Real positive change can come from this moment.

Is slow fashion scalable?

Credit: Net-a-Porter

For us, slow fashion is about creating something beautiful, timeless and sustainable. We are responding to the lifestyle of the modern woman and she wants to make thoughtful purchases that offer her quality and longevity. As we scale the brand, this will always remain our focus. We see TOVE as a global brand with longevity.

Why is it that the new generation has a hunger for transparency like no other cohort?

They are the generation with unlimited information at their disposal and they’re taking the time to educate themselves. They are rightly demanding more from retailers to prove that they can balance responsible production with price, and to demonstrate that they are acting sustainably and consciously.

What are the sustainable practices you have adopted in your daily lives?

We both have two young children and feel a sense of responsibility to them to be very mindful in our everyday lives. Whether this be something as simple as recycling, being vegetarian, choosing natural organic products, we are conscious of the environment and how our decisions may impact their future.

How did NET-A-PORTER first notice your brand, and in what aspects did it propel TOVE to the next level?

We were first approached by NET-A-PORTER via Instagram. They reached out to us after seeing our online profile and we then arranged a meeting to show the buyers the collection.

Credit: Net-a-Porter

Being stocked exclusively with NET-A-PORTER allowed us to reach a global audience very early on in our journey and undoubtedly gave the consumer confidence in TOVE. We couldn’t have asked for a better partnership. They have been incredibly supportive and generous throughout out the ongoing collaboration.

What’s on your mind at the moment, regarding TOVE?

Currently, we are focusing our attention on the September market. We will be arranging all our appointments virtually, and the next few weeks will be spent working on how we can fine-tune this process to make it a seamless and engaging experience for all involved.

TOVE’s Pre-Fall dresses are now exclusively available on Net-a-Porter

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