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Men of Hope: Why We Do What We Do

Oct 13, 2017

To the Memory of Lily Grace (2015 – 2017)

Looking at my two daughters now, it sometimes surprises me that they ever needed me at all. Today, they are both beautiful, spirited and strong young women. Their helpless years of diapers and bottle feeding seems like a lifetime ago.

I remember when every scratch, bruise and fever was a crisis that only mummy could fix. I remember sitting in waiting rooms and beside hospital beds with my heart in my throat. And it breaks my heart to know not every mother and child has the same memories.

How many mothers hold their sick children, knowing they can’t make it better, because they can’t afford the treatment that will fix them? How many children lie in hospital beds without anybody holding their hand, or kissing their foreheads?

This is why I am passionate about supporting the Men of Hope Campaign (MOH) so fully, both personally and through my role as Publisher at #legend, the campaign’s media sponsor. MOH, founded in 2016 after the success of the annual Women of Hope campaign, celebrates individuals who have made an active commitment to helping others in the community, and raises money for the Adventist Heart Fund (AHF). AHF provides corrective heart surgery for underprivileged children with congenital heart disease (CHD). One of those children was Lily Grace.

In the past seven years, the AHF has helped children from more than 300 families, and she was one of them. Today, with the proper treatment, the majority of children born with CHD can go on to live happy, healthy lives, unhindered by the disease. But that is only with the proper treatment. Without, sadly, the ending isn’t nearly as bright.

Lily Grace was just two years old when she came to Hong Kong from China for her treatment. An orphan, the team at Hong Kong Adventist Hospital became her family- they became the kiss on her forehead, and the hand to hold. Lily Grace spent 37 days in the ICU, before passing away. Though it wasn’t happy or carefree, as the precious days of childhood should be, she was cared for fiercely. The doctors, nurses and volunteers checked on her daily, and I know everyone who met her was touched by her spirit.

Though I did not get the chance to meet her, I followed her progress closely, and losing her hurt more than I can say. I urge you to not allow her death to be in vain. Please, if you have a moment, visit the Men of Hope site to see how you can help. There are so many more children like Lily Grace, but with our help, they can grow up to have families of their own. – Anne Lim, Co-Founder & Publisher of #legend

Event partner: Friends of Asia HK

Sponsors: Hong Kong Adventist Hospital Foundation, #legend, The Landmark Mandarin Oriental Hong Kong, Milk Shirts, Attire House, Kr+ by Kim Robinson