The A to Z guide to well-being (part 2 of 2)
Jan 15, 2025
The things that add up to a happier life don’t have to be complicated. Zaneta Cheng and Stephenie Gee put together an A–Z guide to looking after yourself – mind, body and soul

God’s earth is majestic. Spending time in nature to take in everything that He created can remind us that life is bigger than our to-do list. Plus, Vitamin D plays a major role in immune system support and fresh air is great for the body. Triple win.
The pioneering American philosopher and psychologist, William James, once said, "The greatest discovery of my generation is that human beings can alter their lives by altering their attitude of mind.” Our mindset has the incredible power to shape our reality. When we choose to adopt an optimistic outlook, we not only navigate through difficulties with resilience but also attract positivity into our lives, which help to keep our stress levels down.

Polyphenols are antioxidant chemicals that are incredible for long-term physical health – lowering blood pressure and cholesterol, as well as overall inflammation in the body and preventing cell damage. And the even better news? You don’t just find them in green vegetables. They’re in actual fun stuff too like chocolate, champagne and red wine. Pinot noir, in particular, has among the highest levels of polyphenols of all red grapes. Cheers!

It can be tempting to turn to quick fixes, but the truth is there are no viable shortcuts in the realm of health and wellness that lead to lasting change and personal growth. Take fad diets. Drastically cutting your calorie intake can play havoc with your metabolism, and studies prove that those who lose weight too quickly are more likely to gain that weight back – and then some – faster than those who take the slower path to weight loss. As the wise Maya Angelou once said, “Nothing will work unless you do.”
We are not only physical bodies, we are also energy. Reiki is an ancient Japanese healing practice rediscovered by the Japanese monk Dr Mikao Usui. Derived from the Japanese words rei and ki, which mean “spiritual or universal” and “life energy,” respectively, Reiki works to cleanse the layers that no longer serve purpose in our systems and restore the light or energy force within, providing relief for physical pain and emotional distress.
If all else fails, a good night’s sleep will make the biggest difference from one day to the next. Through ample rest, we replenish our vitality and enhance cognitive function, empowering us to navigate challenges with clarity and resilience. So how do you ensure you’re getting enough and quality sleep? It’s all about your melatonin (the main hormone involved in the control of the sleep-wake cycle) levels. The easiest way to keep it healthy is to stick with nature’s timetable – try to get a lot of sunlight during the day and ensure you have total darkness at night. This also means banning the blue flicker light from electronic devices after 9pm, as this can play havoc with your brain as it tries to wind down. Seven to eight hours of sleep a night is what you need to function at your peak, so if that means saying no to a second episode of your favourite TV show and turning in early, your body will thank you.

There is possibly nothing more healing than the power of touch. From the beginning of time, great healers have been using their hands to help energy flow. Research now also confirms that physical touch like a big hug, an arm around the shoulder or holding hands can rapidly increase serotonin and oxytocin (the feel good and happy hormones) within the bloodstream. Humans are meant to be connected.

We live in a world of distractions – news, social media, phone calls, emails. Our minds are so occupied that we are rarely mentally still. According to science, periods of mindlessness are needed to perform at your peak. So, make a point every day to unplug, retreat into a silent space and just zone out, even for a few minutes. When our minds wander, they tend to be pulled to the consideration of unresolved issues, or to the planning of future goals. And it’s during that spaced-out state that creative insight happens. You’ve no doubt experienced a eureka! moment in the shower. This is why.
Visualisation is one of the most effective and transformative tools for enhancing emotional well-being. By envisioning a healed, calm and happy version of ourselves, we can tap into the power of the mind to manifest positive change.

Water is an essential element for life. Maintaining the proper hydration status keeps your body’s systems running smoothly, ensuring optimal health. But the benefits of water extend beyond physical proximity. Being near water – whether it’s a tranquil lake, a flowing river, or the crashing waves of the ocean – can have a calming effect on the mind, reduce stress and enhance mental clarity.
Xanthan gum is a common food ingredient, most often used as a binding or thickening agent. A soluble fibre, which means that your body cannot break it down, it absorbs water and forms a gel-like substance in your digestive system, slowing down your digestion. Positive studies in favour of xanthan gum suggest that its slow digestion alters the rate at which sugar can enter your bloodstream, which reduces blood sugar spikes after eating it.

Yoga is a transformative practice that offers a multitude of physical, mental and spiritual benefits. It lowers your heart rate and blood pressure, as well as increase strength, flexibility and circulation all while literally twisting tension out of the body. It’s the antidote to the stresses of daily life and there’s a variety out there to suit everyone. It may be quicker to just say: it improves everything.
Zinc is an essential trace element involved in the activity of many biochemical and metabolism-related reactions in the body. Your body cannot make or store zinc, so you need to consume it, either via food (it’s available in animal-derived foods like seafood, meats and dairy products, and can also be found in some plant-based options like seeds and lentils) or zinc supplements. Pop a single tablet a day to reduce the chances of getting hit with a virus. This recognised inflammation-fighter also treats infections, promotes blood sugar management, and even shortens the duration of certain respiratory tract conditions.