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OMEGA unveils cutting-edge sports equipment for 33rd Olympic Games

Author: Phuriwat Hirunrangsee | Photographer: Courtesy of OMEGA

Aug 06, 2024

"...An important aspect of OMEGA's commitment is its dedication to creating sports competition equipment that upholds the highest level of fairness at the Olympic and Paralympic Games. OMEGA has consistently emphasised staying at the forefront of technology, which is evident in their utilisation of state-of-the-art equipment in sports competitions. This commitment to innovation not only ensures a consistent and dependable competition experience but also fosters trust in the accuracy of the results for every event. Furthermore, OMEGA's role as the official timekeeper for the 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games highlights their exceptional expertise and precision. Now, let's explore some intriguing equipment and its various applications..."

The Electronic Starting Pistol

An equal start is vital in sports. But the problem with traditional pistols is that athletes in the furthest lanes hear the shot a fraction later than the closest lanes. Today, OMEGA’s electronic pistol is connected to speakers positioned behind each racer. When the trigger is pressed, a light flash is emitted, a start pulse is given to the timing device - and most importantly – a sound is played behind each athlete, giving them all an equal start.

Athletics Starting Blocks


As well as having integrated speakers, the starting blocks in athletics also feature built-in sensors that measure an athlete’s force against the footrest 4,000 times per second. The detection system instantly sends the force measurements to an on-site computer so that the starter can visually see any false start. The rules of World Athletics fix the minimum reaction time at 100 milliseconds (a tenth of a second). Any reaction which takes place below this limit is considered a false start.

Quantum Timer

The modern version of a stopwatch. OMEGA’s Quantum Timer has an enhanced resolution of one millionth of a second. Driven by a micro crystal component imbedded in the timer, the resolution is 100 times greater than previous devices and, with a maximum variation of only one second out of every ten million seconds, it is five times more accurate.

Photocell Technology

Instead of the traditional ribbon on the finish lines of races, photocell technology emits beams of light. As soon as the winning athlete crosses those beams, their winning time is instantly recorded. OMEGA now uses four photocells on the finish line, all integrated into one unit, allowing more body patterns to be detected. While this gives OMEGA an immediate finishing time, the official time is always taken from the photofinish camera.


At the end of a swimming race, the famous touchpads positioned at both ends of the pool allow swimmers to “stop the clock” by exerting a pressure of between 1.5 and 2.5 kg (3.3 and 5.5 pounds). It’s the most precise way to measure time in this challenging sport and OMEGA was responsible for first introducing the technology at the Olympic Games in 1968. Since Tokyo 2020, touchpads have also been introduced into speed climbing, positioned atthe top of the wall.

Swimming Light Show

The Swimming Light Show features lights mounted on the starting blocks at the end of the pool. When a race is over, a single large dot indicates the athlete that came first, two medium-sized dots show who came second, and three smaller dots of light confirm the third place finisher. It’s a perfect way for athletes and spectators to instantly see the outcome of a race.

Hi-Resolution Scoreboards

OMEGA’s hi-resolution scoreboards display not only text and live information, but also animations, athlete pictures, and visual imagery. Using modern effects, the winners’ names and results are boldly displayed for each event.

Motion Sensor and Positioning Systems

Across many sports, including swimming and athletics, OMEGA is using advanced technology to capture live information during events. From live speeds and positions, through to acceleration and trajectory, and even the number of strokes that a swimmer takes. The brand now has the capability of showing each event through a comprehensive range of metrics. Perfect for broadcasters, spectators, and coaches to analyse and understand every performance from start to finish.

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