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Kiehl's unveiled the project 'Kiehl's Open Doors,' aimed at promoting equal opportunities for LGBTQ+ community

Author: Phuriwat Hirunrangsee | Photographer: -

Jun 06, 2024

“…In June, which is Pride Month, we have seen various activities from both private sectors and brands showing support for the LGBTQ+ community. This includes Kiehl’s, a leading global skincare brand from New York under the L’Oréal Group, which invited the media to the launch event of the project called ‘Kiehl’s Open Doors.’ This project aims to be a gateway to opportunities for youth with diverse gender identities to develop their potential and create equal employment opportunities for everyone in society...”

Kiehl's Open Doors project in Thailand aims to support youth with diverse gender identities, addressing the societal context where this group often faces unequal opportunities and limited resources in the job market. This initiative focuses on fostering professional skills to enhance career prospects for all individuals. Working closely with organisations like The Foundation Of Transgender Alliance For Human Rights (Thai TGA) and other network groups, Kiehl's Thailand endeavours to understand the needs and challenges of these communities comprehensively.

In the past, Kiehl's has supported various projects to support the youth with diverse gender identities. For instance, they have sponsored events like the "Gender of My Choice" exhibition organised by ThaiTGA, as well as the organisation of Youth Pride Thailand 2024 by ThaiTGA. Additionally, Kiehl's has conducted special training programs to equip young individuals with diverse gender identities with the skills necessary to become Beauty Advisors for Kiehl's or pursue careers in similar fields in other companies. Presently, Kiehl's has expanded its inclusivity efforts by actively collaborating with employees from diverse gender backgrounds, ensuring equal opportunities for them to contribute significantly to fostering workplace equality and inclusion.

"The 'Kiehl's Open Doors' project is an embodiment of Kiehl's commitment to returning the principle of 'giving' back to society, while also reinforcing the goal of creating beauty that drives the world of L'Oréal Group. This project will serve as a gateway of opportunity for marginalised groups, including youth with diverse gender identities, who have not yet had equal access to opportunities. Kiehl's aims to support and provide opportunities for them to fully develop their potential, ensuring they deserve a quality of life they rightfully deserve." Ms. Onanong Pratakphiriya, Director of Corporate Affairs and Communications at L'Oréal (Thailand), highlighted the crucial objectives of this project.

Ms. Onanong Pratakphiriya, Director of Corporate Affairs and Communications at L'Oréal (Thailand)

Furthermore, Kiehl's Open Doors project has three key objectives, namely Proud & Empowered, Proud & Nourished, and Proud & Inspired. To achieve these objectives, collaboration with various organisations is a thing that cannot be avoided. During the launch event of this project, we had the honour of having Ms. Hua Boonyapisomparn, Partnerships Manager of the Foundation of Transgender Alliance For Human Rights, and Mr. Koen Pataradanai Setsuwan, a psychiatrist and one of the project's allies, join the event for a discussion. They shared insights into the issues of inequality and guided how to open doors of opportunity for individuals with diverse gender identities.

Ms. Hua Boonyapisomparn shared various perspectives on inequality, along with strategies to address these issues and open opportunities for individuals with diverse gender identities. These include accessing job opportunities and resources, collaborating with the Ministry of Public Health to design welfare services related to gender-affirming care, as well as creating a network of parents with gender-diverse children. An organisation has developed a guide for parents to accept and open their hearts and doors of love to their children. Additionally, they established a learning centre providing information for LGBTQIA+ groups. Lastly, the "Open to self-determination" initiative aims to advocate for future legislation recognising gender identity. This initiative, initiated in 2012, aims to allow individuals with diverse gender identities to use prefixes that align with their self-identification or to use "X" for non-binary individuals who do not wish to specify their gender identity.

Ms. Hua Boonyapisomparn, Partnerships Manager of the Foundation of Transgender Alliance For Human Rights

“Developing professional skills provides us with choices. I firmly believe that having options allows us to move a step closer to happiness.”

Hua Boonyapisomparn

Mr. Koen Pataradanai Setsuwan, a psychiatrist and one of the project's allies

Mr. Koen Pataradanai Setsuwan also emphasised the importance of mental health within the gender-diverse community, a topic he has collaborated with Kiehl's to promote for future access to mental health services. "Another crucial aspect is mental health. According to statistics from the past year, a significant portion of the gender-diverse population has contemplated suicide, with as many as 49% seriously considering it and 17% attempting it, mostly among youth aged 17-20. Over 40% of gay and 60% of lesbian individuals have experienced sexual harassment and felt too intimidated to seek help, leading to depression. They often don't know how to seek help or access mental health services. Additionally, LGBTQIA+ individuals worldwide often feel unsafe in their lives. Apart from fostering career opportunities, ensuring access to mental health services is crucial and must continue to be advocated for."

"We often hear about the issue of inequality repeatedly, with some stating that everyone is born with different starting points, making real fair competition difficult to occur. Therefore, through collaboration with various organisations, it can help the LGBTQIA community to access resources equally, potentially leading to increased equity and equality in the long run."

Koen Pataradanai Setsuwan

Since its inception in 1851, Kiehl's has upheld a commitment to welcoming and caring for everyone, regardless of gender or preferences. The doors are open to all, with equal treatment and consideration for every customer and employee. The brand also supported the YouthAIDS group by providing funding and livelihood equipment, enabling them to lead fulfilling lives in society. Since 2004, Kiehl's has actively participated in Pride parades in the United States and supported various organisations working for gender-diverse communities. Today, Kiehl's continues its ongoing efforts because many individuals still cannot access the opportunities they rightfully deserve. They continue to expand their work to Kiehl's stores, globally.

Sources: Kiehl's

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