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Tesla's Solar Roof Panels are On Sale Now



May 12, 2017

Visuals via tesla.com

Elon Musk has announced, on Twitter of course, that orders for his revolutionary solar panel roofs have begun. He also promised that ordering will be available for most countries in the world, with delivery beginning late 2017 in the United States and 2018 for the rest of the world.

The solar panels are also stronger than traditional roofs. The gif above shows an experiment on the sturdiness of the roofs against the hardest hail rating, FM4473 which clocks in at over 177 kph on impact. The left is the glass solar panel, and the right is traditional panels. They come in 4 different styles, 

 Tuscan tiling.

Oh, and it has an ‘infinite warranty’. That’s right – infinite. As in forever. In classic Tesla-style, the website matter-of-factly states that, “Glass solar tiles are so durable they are warrantied for the lifetime of your house, or infinity, whichever comes first.”

 Smooth glass tiling.

This warranty will support Musk’s claims that solar roofs will become cheaper than traditional roofs, there is also a calculator that will help you see your savings on your investment to solar roof paneling. 

 Slate tiling.

Both of these points will help challenge the critics of Tesla’s solar panels, who hypothesised the low return on investment, high price, cost of maintenance and glass sturdiness. Expect to see prices to fall in the future from economies of scale, akin to recent technology like the computer or the telephone.

Textured glass tiling

Learn more at Tesla’s official website.