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Summer inspo: Insta-traveller Christoffer Cheng



Jun 29, 2018

Christoffer Cheng (@curiouschristoffer)

Describe who you are and what you do.

I’m a qualified dentist in Hong Kong who also has a strong passion for travel and photography. I get inspired by the places I go and sharing my experiences with my followers has become a part of my life.

If time and money were no issue, where would you go and why?

This might sound crazy, but if that’s the case, I think I’d build myself a spaceship and go to outer space. Just wander around space and probably land on some planet and explore. I’ve always been intrigued by the outer world since I was a little boy, gazing at the countless stars. It’s just so beautiful and mysterious. That would be a big achievement for me personally – and I’m sure the photos would be very Instagrammable!

What are five things you couldn’t travel without?

• My camera

• My sunglasses

• Hairspray

• A pair of trainers 

• Sunscreen

If you were stuck on an island and could choose one person there, who would you want with you and why?

Bear Grylls, because I could finally experience what I have seen in his shows – and it’s more likely I could survive and make my way back to my normal life.

What has been your most memorable or unique travel experience?

When we used to do family road trips to the States as a kid. My parents were an amazing driver/navigator duo back when Google Maps didn’t exist. Those were the most exciting and memorable times.

What’s your favourite travel photo ever?

Hard to choose… maybe my Venice ones!

Any tips or secrets for taking a great travel photo?

Build your own sense of aesthetics and always allow the place to give you inspiration.

What’s the best thing you’ve bought on your travels?

My experiences.

Skydiving – yes or no?

Yes! In fact, I have done it three times already – in Australia, New Zealand and Guam. More to come!

What books and blogs would you recommend to aspiring travellers?

I don’t have any go-to books or blogs for travel recommendations, but I like to research through various sources to decide on what I’d like to see.

What advice do you have for people who want to travel but feel financially stuck?

I have gone through the budget travels as a student, lived in hostels, et cetera. I think as long as you can take the first step out of your door, regardless of the budget, it will always be rewarding. I have heard many interesting stories from working holidays; that would be a good option as well.

How do you choose your next location?

I just want to go everywhere, so it’s usually determined by my travel companion(s).

How many suitcases do you bring?

For short trips, maybe one large and one small. For longer trips of two weeks or more, usually two large and one small.

What are your secrets for packing light? Or heavy?

I was never an expert in packing light! But I do kind of mentally plan out my outfits so I don’t get way out of line. In fact, I have been fined four times and had to pay for excess luggage weight.

Is there an activity you always do when you go somewhere?

Photo shoots and cocktail time!

What has been your scariest travel experience?

Coming back to my car in Pisa after lunch, only to discover that my car had been broken into and all my suitcases were stolen.

What’s the most interesting mode of transport you’ve taken on a trip?

I’d like to say dolphin, but no… maybe a horse – an Icelandic one, perhaps?

What’s your typical airport attire?

T-shirt, sweatpants and a nice bag.

Where are you heading next?

Amsterdam, Corsica and Sardinia.

What’s one thing you hate about travelling?

Going through security and immigration.

What’s the longest you’ve spent without internet access?

Five days, when I was on an island in the Philippines for my scuba diving license.

How many countries have you been to? Can you list them?

About 26 countries: Australia, Cambodia, Canada, China, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Iceland, Indonesia, Italy, Japan, Malaysia, New Zealand, the Philippines, Portugal, Russia, Singapore, South Korea, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Thailand, the UK, the United States, and Vietnam.

From that list, if you could choose one to stay in for the rest of your life, which would it be and why?

I can’t choose – because I’m not ready to settle down yet!

If there’s one thing travelling has taught you, what is it?

The world always has so much more to offer than you can imagine.

This feature originally appeared in July/August print issue of #legend.