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Summer inspo: Insta-traveller Cindy Ko



Jul 23, 2018

Cindy Ko (@cindiddy)

Describe who you are and what you do.

I’m Cindy Ko, fashion and travel blogger on cindiddy.com

If time and money were no issue, where would you go and why?

Around the world on a boat, over a span of three to five years. If I came across a place I loved, I could park my boat and live ashore for a month or two. I love being surrounded by nature and the ocean, and the freedom of sailing anywhere in the world is the ultimate travel experience for me.

What are five things you couldn’t travel without?

• Rimowa square suitcase

• Healthy snacks (I always pack a bunch in my suitcase and purse)

• Pen and journal for writing • Music and headphones

• A smile and an open mind

If you were stuck on an island and could choose one person there, alive or dead, who would you want with you and why?

My family and friends! If I had to choose someone famous, then probably Will Smith or Robin Williams, because I imagine we’d have the most meaningful conversations.

What has been your most memorable or unique travel experience?

Until last summer, I never owned or travelled with a credit card. It definitely made travelling less convenient at times, but gave me opportunities to be out of my comfort zone.

What’s your favourite travel photo ever?

I don’t have a favourite photo.

Any tips or secrets for taking a great travel photo?

Give good directions and ask yourself what you’re trying to capture before framing and taking a photo.

What’s the best thing you’ve bought on your travels?

I collect rocks from around the world. I usually pick up a couple rocks from the beach or on my hikes. I have a clear glass box that houses my rock and pine cone collection. I love them!

Skydiving – yes or no?

Yes – once at Lake Wanaka, New Zealand and once in Switzerland. I would definitely do it again.

What books and blogs would you recommend to aspiring travellers?

I recommend watching travel shows and documentaries such as Planet Earth or A Bite of China.

What advice do you have for people who want to travel but feel financially stuck?

The good thing with travel is that you can travel at all price points if you have a budget. Planning ahead is key. Sometimes you can get great deals when you book flights, hotels or tickets in advance. Or if you want to plan a more luxurious escape, then book ahead and save to make it happen.

How do you choose your next location?

Every year, I have a small list of new places I wish to visit.

How many suitcases do you bring?

Whether I travel for a month or a week, I pack the same amount. When I travel for long periods of time, it’s more important to be concise with my packing because travelling around with too much luggage isn’t ideal.

Is there an activity you always do when you go somewhere?

Something adventurous!

What’s the most interesting mode of transport you’ve taken on a trip?

Camels, elephants and donkeys.

What’s your typical airport attire?

A white linen shirt, black jeans and loafers.

Where are you heading next?

I’m going to the South of France in July for two weeks.

What’s one thing you hate about travelling?


What’s the longest you’ve spent without internet access?

A week on top of a mountain – but I loved being disconnected.

How many countries have you been to? Can you list them?

I don’t even know! But quite a few.

From that list, if you could choose one to stay in for the rest of your life, which would it be and why?

I would love to live the provincial life in the South of France – paint, drink wine and cook my days away.

If there’s one thing travelling has taught you, what is it?

The world is bigger than we think. The good thing about experiencing different cultures is that it helps you put things in perspective.

This feature originally appeared in the July/August print issue of #legend