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Summer inspo: Insta-traveller Charles Lam



Aug 06, 2018

Charles Lam (@char1es)

Describe who you are and what you do.

Fashion blogger, founder and creative director of C1 Production. I’m a social media addict who’s always looking for the perfect angle for photos and videos.

If time and money were no issue, where would you go and why?

Canada. I’d trade it off with one of my retirement years and do nothing – but I’d have to see the Northern Lights at Yellowknife.

What are five things you couldn’t travel without?

• Canon EOS 80D
• My MacBook for photo editing
• Steamer
• At least three pairs of sunglasses 
• AirPods

If you were stuck on an island and could choose one person there, who would you want with you and why?

Ali Wong! She can make the worst situations into the best jokes.

What has been your most memorable or unique travel experience?

A one-month study trip to LA with a group of Japanese students, when I was 13.

What’s your favourite travel photo ever?

Social media has now become a form of sharing and keeping memories. I love the one my dad took for me; he taught me how to take pictures and how to love unconditionally.

Any tips or secrets for taking a great travel photo?

Have no shame. Do whatever it takes to get the right photo.

What’s the best thing you’ve bought on your travels?

“Travel is the only thing you buy that makes you richer.”

Skydiving – yes or no?


What books and blogs would you recommend to aspiring travellers?

My website or TripAdvisor.

How many suitcases do you bring?

One, usually; two to three if I’m going to Fashion Week.

What are your secrets for packing light?

Pre-plan your outfits.

Is there an activity you always do when you go somewhere?

I wake up at 7am to check the weather and if it’s raining, I go back to sleep. If it’s good, I try to get an early start and maximise my day.

Processed with VSCO with ke1 preset

What has been your scariest travel experience?

My closest robbery experience was in London. A man who claimed he was a cop searched my bag and let me go after seeing my poor cashless wallet.

What’s the most interesting mode of transport you’ve taken on a trip?

Travelling in the snow on horseback in Hokkaido.

What’s your typical airport attire?

No metal for the airport security scanner.

Where are you heading next?

Paris, for Fashion Week.

What’s one thing you hate about travelling?

The transportation.

What’s the longest you’ve spent without internet access?

One day.

How many countries have you been to? Can you list them?

12: Australia, Canada, China, France, Japan, Singapore, Switzerland, Taiwan, Thailand, the UK, the USA and Vietnam.

From that list, if you could choose one to stay in for the rest of your life, which would it be and why?

England; I miss the old Hong Kong.

If there’s one thing travelling has taught you, what is it?

See the world as much as you can.

This feature originally appeared in the July/August print issue of #legend