#LegendSquad ft. Rolls-Royce Hong Kong
May 12, 2020
The women of the moment, the styles to covet and the car of the future.
Amanda Strang (@amandastrang)
Anthea Chow (@agentanthea)
Anna Ng (@annalystics)
Carmina Lo (@carminola)
Aiko Narissara Yeung (@aikonari.art)
Ellie Furuya (@furellie)
Maggie Stadelmann (@maggie_stadelmann)
Susana Tsang (@gogreengolean)
Nat Kwan (@nkwan713)
Tasha Lyia (@tashalyia)
Tasha Lam (@itsjustasha)
Photography / Paul S
Creative Direction & Styling / Gordon Lam
Video & equipment / Mad Minds Entertainment
Styling Assistant / Jenya Rushay
Hair / Danielle Weldon, Nicky Ringwood,
Anson Ho, Tracey Au Yeung and Keith Wilson
from Glow Hong Kong
Make-Up / Jaime Smith and Sapphire Shen
Photography Assistants / Melanie Kim and Lai Wing-sze
Location / Rolls-Royce Motor Cars Hong Kong