#legend100hk Best Male Lifestyle Influencer: Philip Lee
Aug 01, 2017
Businessman Philip Lee shot to fame while dating actress Myolie Wu, whom he eventually married. His Instagram feed is filled with the life of the power couple. Whether it’s about what Lee calls his “pregnancy cravings” or a humble dinner of baked potato and baked beans, his account will inspire you to live better, laugh harder and treat people more kindly
Who are your major style inspirations?
I’m going to be honest, I’m not the most fashionable person. I’m a bit of a minimalist, a typical English bloke, so more formal than not. People I notice include George Clooney, David Beckham, Brad Pitt and Andy Lau. They may be a bit older than your usual choices but, for me, they have this classic, down-to- earth style while looking great in formal and casual wear.
Do you remember your first post?
Can you describe it?Yes, comfort food: peanut butter and strawberry jam sandwich. Don’t ask. Just trust me.
Who influences you?
I read a bit on movers and shakers of the world from history. I admire Lee Kuan Yew, a Hakka man who built a city with laser-like vision, fairness, confidence and, admirably, making strong decisions without flinching. Business owners and leaders can learn a lot from his style. Bruce Lee is another one: a thoughtful, deep thinker who read and wrote a lot on philosophy. While young, he was brash and maybe even a bit of a punk, but eventually he developed a way of doing and thinking around his art, astonishing both the Western and Eastern world along the way. He was a massive achiever, with vision.
What’s your favourite fashion city and your top tips to do there?
Growing up in London, my reference will always come from there. I think the street style is the best, for me. Though, I must say, Paris and Milan have a much stronger affinity for fashion: everyone seems to be just so… immaculate. And, of course, a small shout out to Tokyo, the land of the cool, the stylish and the eccentric. While it’s not my style, I am constantly fascinated by the Japanese ability to take and display styles to the extreme. It’s definitely the most interesting fashion city in the world.
Describe yourself in one song.
It’s My Life by Bon Jovi. Time is short. Life is short. I’m in the best period of my life and I want to get on and enjoy and achieve what I can.
Describe yourself in one movie.
The Pursuit of Happyness is one of the movies I have connected to most.
What’s your guilty pleasure?
What’s on your bucket list?
Machu Picchu, Galápagos Islands, a road trip through Switzerland road trip, Silk Road journey, kick a football with Arsenal players, catch one huge big game fish, warm up in badminton with Lin Dan, play snooker with Ronnie O’Sullivan, have two children – maybe three.
Who from the world of fashion would you invite to dinner?
Paul Smith because his clothes were so cool when I was growing up; Giorgio Armani, not just because I like his minimalistic styling; and Kev Yiu, my wife’s business partner, a dedicated and passionate young designer in Hong Kong, hell-bent on proving that we have creative vision and exquisite craftsmanship locally.
Tell us something about you that we wouldn’t know from social media.
When I started on Instagram, it was with the sole purpose of giving people who were interested in me and my life a direct connection. It was never supposed to be a blog. It’s just that, due to my wife’s profile in Hong Kong, I got some negative press. I wanted Instagram to be truthful and genuine; a picture of my life.
The best advice anyone ever gave you?
“Stop thinking about it, stop talking about it, just stop it, get your ass up and do it” – one of my former managers.
What kind of person do you want your child to grow up to be?
As we are expecting our first child, I have been thinking a lot about this recently. It would be great if my child could be realistic and not just idealistic; someone happy, healthy and with positive energy; someone who can take a challenge, fail and get back up and go at it again. I would like my child to grow up with wisdom and balance.
This article originally appeared in the August 2017 print issue of #legend magazine.