Goods of Desire masks are ones you'd actually want to wear
May 14, 2020
Douglas Young, co-founder of Goods of Desire (G.O.D.), wears the brand’s masks
Whether you like it or not, face masks are here to stay. While the coronavirus situation in Hong Kong seems to have improved significantly over the last few weeks and people are becoming more confident to go out, masks have become an essential, if not required accessory – so why not make it a fashion statement?
Fashion labels have been quick to act, including the quintessential Hong Kong brand Goods of Desire (G.O.D). Last month, it launched a line of fashionable, rewashable and breathable fabric masks, which come with a slot where you can insert a paper towel or filter.
G.O.D.’s designs and prints are famous for encapsulating the vibrant culture of Hong Kong, which we also see in the patterns used for these masks They’re not only stylish, but also a touch humorous – and let’s face it, we all could use a good giggle these days.
The masks cost HK$120 apiece. You can pair them with a face mask wallet (HK$198) so you can keep it tucked away while you eat. Buy them on G.O.D.’s website now!