Shu Uemura's Kakuyasu Uchiide Draws the Ideal Tokyo Street Fashionista
Aug 26, 2016
One of the most influential figures in the world of make-up is Shu Uemura’s international artistic director Kakuyasu Uchiide. Uchiide was appointed by Uemura, who trained the former lawyer in the ways of the Japanese cosmetics giant that carries his name. Uchiide has remained loyal to the brand, despite being courted by every major Western brand. Uchiide sets global make-up trends and was the brains behind the Shu Uemura Shupette campaign, a 2014 collaboration with Karl Lagerfeld, named after the Kaiser’s beloved feline Choupette. During a recent Hong Kong visit, we met Uchiide and asked him to sketch for #legend whatever was on his mind. Four days later came his response, drawn in the Shu Uemura shades he created this season. Uchiide calls the image his vision of “the ideal Tokyo street fashionista”. We call it Shuperlative; a limited edition of one.