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Shop for a cause with HKCF's Pink Revolution



Sep 26, 2018

This October, Hong Kong’s largest cancer support organisation, the Hong Kong Cancer Fund, has partnered with 20 high street retailers and restaurants to raise money in support of women affected by breast cancer.

Shop For Pink is part of the annual fundraiser Pink Revolution and brings together exclusive pink products and experiences. The funds raised will be donated to both individuals touched by breast cancer, their families and to cancer support services.

The brands participating in this year campaign include ECCO, Amika, Pure Apparel and Calvin Klein among others. “Our sponsors are an essential part of the Pink Revolution, and we are very grateful to have such wonderful brands supporting Shop For Pink 2018,” Sally Lo, the Founder and Chief Executive of Hong Kong Cancer Fund, said of the 2018 campaign. “We hope Shop For Pink will remind women across Hong Kong to prioritise their health, and we encourage everyone to participate in the Pink Revolution 2018.”

Breast cancer is the most common form of tumor among women in Hong Kong. With over 6% of individuals at risk, one of the Cancer Fund’s main prerogatives is to educate the public and promote prevention. “Self-checks and early detection can save lives, but the need for supportive care is as important as ever. Our aim is to provide lasting support to anyone facing the psychological, physical, emotional and financial burdens that come with cancer,” Lo added.

This year, Pink Revolution is celebrating its 18th anniversary and will once again bring together medical professionals, celebrities and activists to raise awareness and stimulate action.

Visit Pink Revolution to shop for a cause