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Pop-up Sweatshop Demands Transparency from Fashion Industry



May 18, 2017

The pop-up in Amsterdam (Instagram | @mickey_graafland)

Sweatshops are unsafe places where millions of unfairly treated garment workers are forced to work. The conditions are cramped and under ventilated, the hours are long, and the pay is less than living wage. And yet these factories are the backbone of the highly profitable fashion industry. 

In an effort to change this reality and encourage the fashion world to become more transparent, Women Power Fashion has created a pop-up sweatshop exhibit in the heart of Amsterdam. The clear cube welcomes guests inside to try their hand behind a sewing machine, bringing them face-to-face with the reality of so many women around the world, who are often forced to make as many as 100 garments an hour. In an interview with Fashion United, Campaign Coordinator Tara Scally said, “Transparency is exactly what we are aiming for – that way trade unions and NGOs can really do their work and brands will know who exactly they are working with and if things go wrong who is accountable. Then consumers will also be able to make an informed choice because no one wants to be a part of this exploitation in the fashion industry.”

The Women Power Fashion pop-up sweatshop will run from May 16 to May 21, 2017; for more information see the full article on FashionUnited.Com