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One Star House Party Returns to Hong Kong

Jun 27, 2017

The travelling band of chefs that have taken the world by storm, One Star House Party, return to Hong Kong tonight – the city where it all began. Lead by British chef James Sharman, the team is on a mission to build 20 restaurants in 20 different countries around the world. Each time they arrive in a new country, the chefs have to do more than just build a menu, they have to absorb a culture, learn a cuisine, build a restaurant and make enough noise doing it all that they get people through the doors of their hand-built pop-ups. Every menu has eight-courses, and Hong Kong’s is no different. Each dish from the menu is a highlight from one of the locations they’ve been to so far, including China, Vietnam, Thailand, Nepal, India, Oman, Kenya and South Africa.

The One Star House Party team

“Hong Kong is where this all started for us, the diners there are extremely passionate and open minded, they were the ones who gave us the belief such a project was possible. Our journey has taken us from the streets of Saigon, to Everest and across Africa. Bringing back the best of everything we’ve created to the origin of our journey is an opportunity we’re going to cherish.” says Sharman.

Doors open tonight, have you got your tickets yet? They sold over 300 spots in just 14 minutes, so don’t be surprised when this one sells out. Check out our interview with James Sharman and learn more about the chef, and the project right here.

One Star House Party runs until July 29. Reservations are necessary and can be made through their website.