Moët & Chandon's Latest Premium Blend Will Leave You Wanting More
Apr 27, 2016
An outpouring of creativity is adding new sparkle to champagne. One result is Moët & Chandon’s latest release, MCIII. MCIII is Moët’s super-premium blend of champagne. The last three characters of the name are Roman numerals, denoting what the house calls the three “universes” where the wines were aged: stainless steel, oak and glass. MCIII blends wines of primary, secondary and tertiary character, belonging to the 2003, 2002, 2000, 1999, 1998 and 1993 vintages. It was bottled between 2004 and 2014. “If I have to describe Moët & Chandon in three words, it would be spontaneity, accessibility, likeability,” says the house’s Chef de Cave Benoît Gouez. “Even if you don’t understand MCIII, at least you’ll like to drink it. That’s the base of our success.”