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The piercing trends everyone will want in 2018

Jan 25, 2018

Authority on the art of piercing Maria Tash is hosting a pop-up salon in Hong Kong at Lane Crawford in its ifc mall and Canton Road stores

Good news for Hong Kong’s piercing lovers: after last year’s success, the Maria Tash piercing pop-up is back in Hong Kong for a limited time only. 

Tash is regarded as a pioneer of the art of body piercing and is widely celebrated for her elegant fine jewellery collections. In her studios in New York, London and Rome, a team of experts offer tailored ear curation and piercing styling according to each customer’s aesthetic. Over the years, they have worked with A-list clients like Scarlett Johansson, Beyoncé and Tina Leung.

Kevin Lamb, the head piercer at Maria Tash London

“We’ve all being doing this for a long time and we care about body piercing, that’s why people come to us and trust us a lot,” Kevin Lamb, the head piercer of Maria Tash at London’s Liberty, told us when we visited the pop-up at Lane Crawford. “My job is to find what is right for you and for your anatomy, no ear is the same.”

As septum piercings have – finally! – peaked, the ear is going to make a big come back in 2018, with more and more people opting for multiple ear piercings and “constellations”.

Tash’s studios are among those who dictate and influence new styles each season. “We play about with trends and we try to be creative, it’s fun,” Lamb says. 

When we caught up with him, we asked him to select the piercing trends of 2018:

Conch and multiple conch

 “Conch piercings are becoming really popular again, which is nice cause they are my favourite to do!”

High Lobe

“It’s a very popular one because some people are scared of touching the cartilage, so they want us to go as high as possible on the lobe before it hits the cartilage.”

Stacked lobe


 “Generally, we do that because someone’s got an incorrect piercing in the first place, that was pierced too low or too high and we correct by outing one above the other – it looks very cute.”


“This one’s more and more popular too, we do tons of these in the studio.”


“It’s a more and more popular, anatomy dependent piercing. We get a lot of people that come in and want it, but sometimes we have to say that this might not work for you. But a lot of our clients actually listen to us and let us do what we do.”

Shop the looks: 

For more trends and piercings follow Kevin on Instagram.

To reserve a private consultation with a piercing expert from the Maria Tash Team at Lane Crawford Canton Road and Lane Crawford ifc mall call +852 2118 2288. The pop-up runs from January 19 to 28 at Lane Crawford ifc mall and from January 26 to 28 at Lane Crawford Canton Road.