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#legend@home: From gym-goers to gamers – here are ways to stay active at home

Apr 27, 2020

Credit: freepik.com

As many of us remain homebound and each day fades into the next, it can be easy to lack motivation to exercise and get on your feet. Below, we suggest a range of different activities to get moving and stretch sore limbs, with everything from at home weight training and yoga, to dancing and video games. Regardless of how you choose to get active, what’s most important is that you allow your body and mind a much-needed break from sitting (or possibly lying down) behind a screen all day!

High-intensity interval training

Whitney Simmons HIIT workout

High intensity interval training, also known as HIIT, is an effective way to fit in an impactful workout on less time – no equipment needed. Short bursts of maximum intensity exercises coupled with intermittent breaks result in a fat-blasting workout that also improves cardiovascular health. You can follow along with Whitney Simmons on her straightforward YouTube video, as she delivers an impactful workout in just 20 minutes. Alternatively, check out Emi Wong’s 30-minute, no-jumping HIIT rendition.

Emi Wong’s 30-minute, no-jumping HIIT rendition

Bodyweight exercises

Natache Oceane’s low-impact exercise video

Those who prefer something with milder movements can try a full-body workout, which incorporates more bodyweight exercises as opposed to cardio to build strength for toned, lean muscles. Natache Oceane offers a series of low-impact exercises, perfect for those with less mobility or simply living in an apartment and cannot make any loud jumps or noises. If you are looking for a more structured routine, Blogilates has shared a 14 day quarantine schedule, where she takes you day by day in her easy to follow plan. Her workouts are varied, with a series of exercises and stretches that target different goals each day.

Full body yoga

Kassandra’s 10-minute yoga practice

If you’re tired of sitting at home and want to increase your flexibility with gentle, fluid movements, yoga is a great option that stimulates both body and mind. While it may seem intimidating for beginners, Kassandra has crafted a versatile 10-minute yoga practice, perfect for stretching out stiffness or aches first thing in the morning or giving your brain a reset as the day drags on. On top of aiding flexibility and mobility, yoga helps the digestive system while also increasing lymphatic efficiency. The long-term benefits of yoga are undeniable, and it certainly wouldn’t hurt to try while stuck at home. Those able to dedicate more time can try this full-body flow for a longer and deeper practice with enhanced physical and meditative benefits.

Yoga with Ariene

Weight training

Jeremy Ethier’s routine

Many advanced gym-goers may feel as though home workouts are futile without the help of dumbbells or machines to maintain muscle growth. While it cannot be denied that there is only so much that can be done at home, small manipulations to standard exercises and simple ‘weights’ found around the house can allow for an effective home workout. Using science-based theories, Jeremy Ethier demonstrates a series of comprehensive exercises and techniques in order to maximise muscle mass at home.

Dance tutorials

Kyle Hanagami’s quarantine routine

If you really can’t bring yourself to do any form of exercise that resembles a workout, why not try learning a dance instead? This could also be a perfect opportunity to get your friends ‘together’, perhaps all learning with one another via video call. Kyle Hanagami, one of Blackpink’s choreographers has uploaded a ‘quarantine routine’ set to the tune of Dua Lipa’s Break My Heart. This tutorial has been long-awaited (12 years, to be precise), and is just another example of Kyle’s amazing routines, his most recently work being Justin Bieber’s This is what Love Is music video. Another choreographer to watch out for is Brian Friedman, who uploaded a tutorial for another Dua Lipa favourite, Don’t Start Now.

Brian Friedman’s tutorial

Video games

Although it may sound contradictory or downright absurd, video games can be an enjoyable and an effective means of getting fit. If none of the above activities suit your taste and you are partial to gaming, perhaps fire up your console and give it a try. Ring Fit Adventure is a great introductory game, with the Nintendo Switch’s motion controllers put to use on the Ring-Con accessory. As you manoeuvre your way across hazardous terrain, careful tracking of your every movement (including squats, planks and more), ensure you complete the exercises correctly. Alternatively, Dance Dance Revolution is an accessory-free option that you can complete with friends. Those able to splash out a bit more cash should look out for the virtual reality game Beatsaber, where you slice through incoming blocks to the beat of new tunes and old classics. With an emphasis on precision and timing, playing on Hard or Expert mode makes for a surprisingly tiring upper body workout!