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Immortalise yourself on a wine label

Nov 20, 2017

Dinner at La Vache!, and your drawing could be part of it

It’s time to put your brilliant doodles and sketches to good use- a wine label. For their fourth anniversary, La Vache!, the rowdy SoHo steakhouse, is challenging aspiring designers to create a new logo for their infamous house wine. If seeing your drawing on a bottle of wine isn’t enough of an incentive, the chosen artist gets a flight for two to Paris and a crate of their very own wine. Yes, a crate. Where to fit this crate is, of course, a whole new challenge in this city of tiny apartments- but it’s one well worth having. 

Replace these old wine labels with a design of your own

If you think you’ve got what it takes, you can enter online here until Friday 1 December, 2017. The top submissions will go to public vote on Instagram from 4-10 December, 2017.

Bon chance!