Sonar Hong Kong: Keys N Krates on their "more melodic" sound
Mar 16, 2018
Keys N Krates is a Canadian electronic trio that formed in 2008. Consisting of David Matisse, J Flo and Adam Tune, Keys N Krates is known for its hip-hop infused electronic, bass-heavy tunes. Starting out as a live hip-hop act, the trio have now developed their sound to become one of the leading live electronic acts today. They’ve headlined tours and performed at festivals such as Coachella, Bonnaroo, Lollapalooza, Tomorrowland, EDC and more. Now, the trio are going to take Hong Kong by storm with a live performance at Sonar Hong Kong. We got the chance to speak to the group prior to their performance.
Describe your sound in three words:
Voluptuous, moody, dramatic
What are you most excited about performing in Hong Kong this time?
Just excited to see how you guys take to our music! Also excited to eat pork buns 🙂
How has the music scene in Canada changed in the past few years?
Canada (Toronto in particular) is just being seen as more of a destination for music since we have more and more acts out of here blowing up. Everyday there’s some new shit out of Toronto that’s blowing up that I’ve never heard of. That wasn’t the case 10 years ago.
How has your sound developed and what’s different about ‘Cura’?
We tried to take everything in a more melodic, dusty and interesting direction. We wanted the music to reference the old (like 70s soul and old library records) but we wanted to to feel modern and fit into a pop context.
What’s new for Keys N Krates this year?
More music, more shows, more projects.
Check out Keys N Krates’ set at Sonar Hong Kong from 7:45 – 8:45PM on the SonarVillage stage. Check out the full schedule here.