Josie Ho films documentary in Iceland
Mar 02, 2018
Hong Kong rock band Josie & The Uni Boys are producing a documentary, “Finding Bliss: Fire and Ice”, in Iceland to help people around the world find their own path to a balance and blissful life. Josie Ho and the rest of the band along with Hong Kong master comedian Jim Chia, hip-hop legend MC Yan, heavy metal vocalist Jan Law from Qiu Hong and other local artists explore the world’s most legendary snow glaciers and Iceland’s unique culture.
Co-sponsored by AMTD Group and AMTD Foundation, the project also features the Hong Kong musicians hosting classes with the local kids in Iceland – sharing happiness and fun through their work. Josie & The Uni Boys and guitarist Jason Kui also jammed with local musicians, which was then covered on Iceland TV Channel 2 – in an exciting cultural exchange which culminated in a performance jam of the famous Chinese Martial Arts song “男兒當自強”.
This film will be donated to FilmAid for their use to support their work with refugees and help to connect people of different cultures and perspectives.
Don’t miss out on their show at the Shouson Theatre, Hong Kong Arts Centre in Wanchai on 5-6 April at 8 to 10:30pm.