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The Jaeger-LeCoultre Reverso Timepiece Reveals Different Sides of Jennifer Tse



Jun 01, 2016

Reverso by Christian Louboutin – Scarababe dial and strap by Jaeger-LeCoultre, outfit by Lane Crawford

Model and actress Jennifer Tse is the epitome of class and style, and the perfect icon to model the newly launched Jaeger-LeCoultre Reverso by Christian Louboutin watch. Taking time out of her busy photo shoot, Tse tells #legend about juggling modelling and acting, her must-have accessories and reveals little-known facts about herself.

What was the most important thing your father and brother taught you about show business?

It’s funny, but it’s something that’s just so grilled into me. I didn’t start my career until I finished university, so I didn’t understand when my family first tried to instill the concept of image in my daily life. It was only when I started being in the industry and doing what I do, that I realised it’s important. I think when I was younger I misunderstood that I had to do certain things and look certain ways, but the concept of image isn’t something that’s fabricated. I have had a healthy upbringing and I feel like I’m quite grounded and I have a bunch of friends who keep me grounded. So I guess I took what my family tried to teach me, and redefined it in my own way.

Do you have any movies in the works?

Yes, I do. I have one pretty interesting movie coming out and I can’t say too much about it, but it’s an action movie, and obviously something that I love doing. It’s filmed in New York and China and will come out around this time next year. I just went for a fitting and they have these really interesting costumes. I’m really excited because the team is so professional. The director is incredible and I can’t wait to learn from him. There’s always something to learn. You’re always learning on set and that’s what I love about moviemaking.

Reverso by Christian Louboutin – Empreinte dial on Transparency strap by Jaeger-LeCoultre, outfit by Lane Crawford

Is it hard to juggle modelling and acting and would you have it any other way? 

It’s not hard juggling. It’s not like I have to film every other day and come to model and be out of character too much. No, for me, I feel so blessed wherever I work, so whether it’s modelling or acting, I’ll always make the best of it and be my best on that day. I love both equally. I wouldn’t be like, “Oh I wish I was modelling less so I could do more films.” For me, my motto is there’s always a way. Whatever comes, I’ll find a way to tackle that.

What would be your ideal movie role?

I love action movies, like the ones Angelina Jolie has done. But recently, I saw Room and Brie Larson’s Oscar-winning role is the kind of role I’d love to try. I really like heavy, heavy movies, and I’m all about going through pain to learn life lessons, so that role in and of itself is perfect, it ticks all the boxes. It would be an incredibly challenging role I’d love to try.

How did your relationship with Jaeger-LeCoultre begin?

It’s always been a brand that I’ve known through my family. It’s one of those classic brands that you wouldn’t not know. I was really honoured to be invited to be part of their brand and to shoot for them and do projects here and there.

Which collection do you love most?

After shooting today, I have to say the collection with Christian Louboutin is my new favourite. I’m obviously a huge fan of Mr Louboutin as well, and so the two of them combined, I can really see each of their characteristics shine and complement. I’m a really classic kind of girl; everything in my wardrobe is quite timeless, there’s no one season where I’m like, “OK, I’m going to try this crazy thing.” So for me, having this watch that is timeless and that can match everything is really important. And I love that you can pick the different looks on their app, it’s so easy to mix and match. When I pick a watch, it has to apply to a lot of different occasions where I can go from day to night because for me, a full day will include going on a shoot, doing interviews, meeting directors, going for a casting, and coming back and going to a really grand event. Versatility is a huge, huge thing for me. And with watches you rarely get that. You’re either stuck with that face, or that colour, so this is really brilliant.

How would you customise your own watch?

I was really inspired by the clear strap. I thought that really made the front of the watch stand out and I don’t think I’ve ever seen a strap like that. And because the watch is so elegant and simple, even though it’s clear on the side,and even though plastic is synonymous with casual, it didn’t seem casual. I could pair it with jeans, or overalls and a tank top, but I could also easily pair it with an evening dress. For the face, I like the one that looks different under certain lights. So maybe the iridescent one. It has to be really versatile for me. I think I prefer a lighter face so I can tell the time easily. Time for me is super important.

Is a watch a must-have item in your daily wardrobe?

Yes. I don’t know why but I just think it completes the whole look. I’ll try and put on a bracelet, but I think bracelets only look good with watches. Having a watch on your wrist just makes your whole hand look nice. I was looking at myself the other day thinking, “What am I missing?” I needed a watch even though it was a super casual outfit. For me, it’s a must.

Function or design?

Both. I’ve been asked that before and I can’t pick. They’re equally important. Function, a hundred per cent because I’m such a punctual person. Time in itself is everything. I have to have it. So this watch fits both, like honestly I said, this is my new favourite.

Atelier Reverso by Christian Louboutin – Nacre de Tahiti dial on Peau sur Peau strap by Jaeger-LeCoultre, outfit by Lane Crawford

There are two sides to each Reverso. Do you have more than one side as well?

I observed this within my family when I was younger and I felt it was a bit strange. I was young and ignorant, but this is one industry you can’t say you understand until you actually do it yourself. When I first started I was pretty easy-going and quirky and when I talk I’m really expressive with my face. Someone reminded me to stop making all these faces because there’s always a camera on me. I had to start toning it down a bit. I guess when you have to tone it down, it’s naturally a different side of you.

I definitely have my own side when I’m on my own, which I love. Really casual, really chilled out. At a black-tie event I’m obviously not going to sit cross-legged, which I love to do. Everyone has a work side, a going out side. I’m still me. It’s just a different side of me.

Everyone’s always like, be more ladylike.

I always say I’m so lucky to have fallen into this industry because it has allowed me to explore a lot of different sides to myself and it has given me a lot of opportunities to force me to be more elegant and more ladylike, whereas I think if I didn’t have this opportunity I would have been a tomboy. This industry has let me pull off a ton of different looks.

Do you have a hidden side that not a lot of people know about?

I think no one knows I’m super athletic. That’s one side I’m really proud of. I started playing tennis when I was really young and I competed nationally in Canada. I was ranked 18th and trained super hard. I was captain of all my sports teams, basketball, volleyball. My coordination is something I take pride in. That’s why I love action so much because I know I can mimic a movement well because I know my body well.

Reverso by Christian Louboutin – Scarababe dial and strap by Jaeger-LeCoultre, outfit by Lane Crawford

Christian Louboutin is known for his love of travelling and you share the same passion. 

Oh my god, where do I even start? I work to travel. Every reason for my being is to explore this beautiful planet that we live on. I always think, even if I had all the money in the world and spent every second from this moment until the day I die travelling, I still won’t be able to step on every square inch of this planet. Not just the surface of the earth, but the underwater world. I’d love to go to space. Every day there’s something that reminds me that this place is a miracle. It blows my mind how things evolve, and how everything in our body finds a homeostasis and a balance. Animals, plants, the solar system, the weather and humans are all interconnected. To be fortunate enough to travel and see other cultures, and how different people live, their habits, their food, it’s great. The same sun for all of us and yet every sunset in every corner of the world is different. 

Who is your legend?

Someone in this industry who had a huge influence on me was Robin Williams. He’s a legend in my eyes. I grew up pretty much on my own, so I spent a lot of time by myself which I think is why I grew up to be so independent. It was just me and movies. A lot of his movies are where I took my values and morals. Every movie that I’ve watched has always been about love, death, appreciation and giving back to family. It was a massive loss for me finding out the way he passed away.

Who is your fashion inspiration?

I’d say Kate Moss and Sienna Miller. They’re so “whatever”. They can be really feminine, bohemian, totally androgynous, really casual, they can carry everything off. Again, versatility in a person, in their clothes, accessories, watch, says a lot about a person. It’s all about being adventurous.