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The iPhone X's major problems

Feb 28, 2018

Sure, every phone will have its problems, and no device will ever top Samsung’s exploding Note 7’s, but Apple’s much-hyped iPhone X has problems that definitely should’ve been fixed before its release. Here are the 3 biggest problems users are still reporting.

The iPhone can’t make or hang up calls

Unlike its namesake implies, users are having problems making and hanging up calls. No, this isn’t a joke; according to PiunukaWeb, affected phones don’t wake up for 5 or more seconds when there’s an incoming call. As you can imagine, this makes it very difficult, even impossible to take calls. Not only that, some users have reported that they are unable to end calls. You would think a US$ 1,000 phone would at least get this right, but sadly this isn’t the case.

Butt dials to the police

The emergency services shortcut is a great feature for the iPhone, but not when combined with the aforementioned inability to hang up. Users are complaining that their phones butt call emergency services and they are unable to end calls after doing so.

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Certain models show ‘No Service’ when there is service

iPhone X models A1660, A1780 in China, A1660 in Hong Kong, Macau, and the US and A1779 in Japan show ‘No Service’ when there’s actually service. Apple says this only affects a small percentage pf phones, but it’s a pretty careless mistake that requires affected users to bring in their Phone for a repair. Yes, a repair for a new phone.

So, is the iPhone X worth it?

The iPhone X is definitely an interesting phone, and although these are embarrassing problems, they detract from the forward-looking design and technology that Apple aimed to introduce to the world. Embarrassing, yes, but if you had your eyes on this phone, these problems aren’t deal-breakers since they can be easily fixed with product updates. It’s careless for sure, but when you own over 50% of the smartphone market, you have more wiggle room than most other companies.