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Instagram's Cutest Baby Takes on #legend's Covers



Mar 01, 2017

​Eleven-month-old Joey is a pop culture icon. To celebrate the first anniversary of #legend, we invited her and mum Laura Izumikawa to shoot a selection of our covers in matching poses. Here are 10 things you didn’t know about the amazing mastermind behind Instagram’s cutest baby:

1. I began my career as a…lifestyle photographer.

2. I got the idea to take pictures of Joey after not wanting to send the same boring photo of Joey to her grandparents.

3. I usually need this amount of time to get ready for one photo for her…30 minutes.

4. I get my inspiration for Joey photos from…films, music, pop icons and cultures that inspire me.

5. The highlight of this project has been…connecting with fans from all over the world.

6. Raising Joey has changed me in this way…I’ve never loved so deeply for a human as the way I love Joey. Being a mother changes the way you love and take care of not just your children but others as well. She’s made me such a better person.

7. My favorite look of Joey is…Dwight Schrute.

8. The internet’s favorite look of Joey seems to be… Eleven from Stranger Things.

9. One look I’ve yet to make for Joey that I want to…Mugatu from Zoolander.

10. One pun so cheesy I can’t even publish… Once you’ve seen one shopping centre, you’ve seen the mall.

Side note: In case you are wondering, I am half-Korean, a quarter-Chinese and a quarter-Japanese.