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Summer inspo: Insta-traveller Zoe Suen



Jul 16, 2018

Zoe Suen (@zosuen)

Describe who you are and what you do.

I’m a (now-ex) student and creatively minded person – I used to say “blogger”, but I don’t do as much of that anymore, though I should update my site more often. I just finished a postgraduate law degree here in London and am an apprentice at the Business of Fashion, and I like taking photos in my free time.

If time and money were no issue, where would you go and why?

Mexico City! Or a road trip in Japan; can’t get enough of it.

What are a few things you couldn’t travel without?

My Contax T2 (and film), a good book (currently reading The Ground Beneath Her Feet by Salman Rushdie) and a hat (my current favourite is a black crochet one).

If you were stuck on an island and could choose one person there, who would you want with you and why?

The chef René Redzepi, because he’s a master forager, so at least I’ll eat well while waiting for people to rescue us.

What has been your most memorable or unique travel experience?

One of them would have to be getting a hammam in Marrakech – we went into the spa thinking it’d be relaxing, but were stripped down and scrubbed raw. It was hilarious!

What’s your favourite travel photo ever?

All of my favourite travel photos are of the people I travel with! It’s hard to choose one favourite.

Any tips or secrets for taking a great travel photo?

Take many!

What’s the best thing you’ve bought on your travels?

I don’t usually shop much when I travel, but I always try to buy some cheese when I’m in Paris – comté is my favourite.

Skydiving – yes or no?


What books and blogs would you recommend to aspiring travellers?

I’m a bit of a crazy travel planner and like to cross-reference a bunch of sites, especially when it’s about restaurants. Everything from Eater and TripAdvisor to Suitcase Magazine and Condé Nast Traveler – still shocked that Bourdain is gone… RIP. I also screenshot everything on Instagram in case anyone I follow posts something I’d like to see.

What advice do you have for people who want to travel but feel financially stuck?

Plan everything and sign up for cheap flight alerts – I’m also signed up to this flight mailing list called Jack’s Flight Club, which is great.

How do you choose your next location?

It’s usually got something to do with restaurants.

How many suitcases do you bring?

One, always.

What are your secrets for packing light? Or heavy?

I tend to over-pack, so I’m the worst person to ask! I like to have contingency-plan items.Is there an activity you always do when you go somewhere?

Very cliché, but I try to walk a lot in all the cities I visit.

What has been your scariest travel experience?

We had a terrifying car ride during the Morocco trip on our way back to Fez from Chefchaouen – no street lights and we were going so fast, so it’s a miracle we made it back in one piece.

What’s your typical airport attire?

Jeans and sneakers.

Where are you heading next?

Marseille and Provence! And Portugal at the end of the summer.

What’s one thing you hate about travelling?

Lines at the airport (sending serious side-eye to JFK).

What’s the longest you’ve spent without internet access?

Two days in Japan – our onset hotel only had Wi-Fi in the lobby, so we didn’t bother.

How many countries have you been to? Can you list them?

Let’s see: China, Cuba, the Czech Republic, Denmark, France, Germany, Hungary, Indonesia, Italy, Japan, Malaysia, Morocco, Myanmar, the Netherlands, Poland, Singapore, South Korea, Spain, Sweden, Taiwan, Thailand, the UK, the US and Vietnam. I think that’s it?

From that list, if you could choose one to stay in for the rest of your life, which would it be and why?

Japan – for everything, but especially the food. I also know that my parents would see it as a great excuse to visit all the time.

If there’s one thing travelling has taught you, what is it?

How privileged I am, generally, to be able to experience it all.

This feature originally appeared in the July/August print issue of #legend