Plastic-free pups: Green Common launches biodegradeable poop bags
Jun 03, 2021

If you’ve already ditched the plastic bags, disposable coffee cups and single-use straws, and are now wondering what other steps you can take to help the environment – allow us to introduce the #INVISIBLEPOOBAG.

Just in time for World Environment Day on 5 June, these plastic-free biodegradable bags for disposing pet waste have just launched exclusively in-store at green living pioneers Green Common – the ideal solution for eco-conscious pawrents.

Unlike regular plastic bags, these poo bags are made of a non-toxic, water-soluble, compostable combination of polyvinyl alcohol, starch, glycerin and water, which has been thoroughly tested for biodegradability – meaning they won’t leave any nasty microplastics behind in the environment.
While you can simply bin them as normal during your dog walks, the #INVISIBLEPOOBAGs have also been designed specifically to be safely flushed down the toilet, cutting down on the amount of toxic plastics in our landfills; just remember not to knot or tie your bags before flushing, and only flush one bag at a time.
The creation of local Hong Kong brand The Invisible Company, the bags come sold in recyclable unbleached paper boxes, which are made of recycled material from FSC-certified sustainably-managed forests.
Here’s to reducing that carbon pawprint, one paw at a time!
Available at selected Green Common stores in Hong Kong