Enough Plastic 2021: Go green this summer with EcoDrive Hong Kong
Jun 08, 2021
On 30 May 2021, widely known as “No Single-Use Plastic Awareness Day” (無膠日), homegrown environmental charity organisation EcoDrive Hong Kong launched their latest campaign, “Enough Plastic Campaign 2021“.

Since “Enough Plastic 2019”, Hong Kong has witnessed a significant increase in single-use plastic within the community as well as a decrease in plastic recycling. The COVID-19 pandemic has resulted in the substantial use of disposable masks, PPE kits and more single-use plastic items, and although that is inevtiable, EcoDrive has launched this campaign in order to raise awareness as well as educate the people of the city on reducing consumption.
With the slogan “ 少塑從揀” – Choose Wisely – the campaign targets the public and motivates them towards making better choices and ultimately changing their lifestyle for personal and environmental reasons. The “Enough Plastic 2021” campaign has been accompanied by the release of an app, “My Impact by EcoDrive” that drives users to measure and track personal plastic reduction efforts.
Download the app here

The charity organisation has enlisted the support of artists Aaron Kwok and past #legend cover star Karen Mok to popularise the campaign, and from 30 May to 30 June 2021, colourful campaign visuals can be seen throughout Hong Kong on billboards, MTR stations, minibuses and across a vast variety of social media platforms.
Follow the campaign on EcoDrive’s Instagram and Facebook for more tips how to reduce single-use plastic in day-to-day lives and do your bit to help protect the enviornment by spreading the word amongst family and friends!
Learn more at ecodrivehk.com