Cover Story: Ahn Bo Hyun on working hard, having fun and never turning down a challenge
Feb 05, 2025
From school-age boxing champion to undisputed leading man, the Korean star has honed a winning mentality that is sure to see him shine ever brighter. He speaks to Zaneta Cheng about working hard, having fun and never turning down a challenge
If you’re an Ahn Bo Hyun fan this Valentine’s Day, you’re in luck. The 36-year-old Korean actor has a message for you: “I’m always receiving so much from my fans that I don’t know how to express my gratitude. Thank you sincerely for supporting me. I hope we can stay connected for a long time.”
Looking at Ahn, it’s hard to believe that he rose to such fame and adoration portraying Jang Geun Won, the villain in the hit 2020 series Itaewon Class, a revenge drama that saw a group of underdogs fighting against conglomerate might and the injustices of unethical businessmen. Ahn’s role saw him scheme, bully and behave in innumerable deplorable ways. But when the script first fell into his lap, the athlete-turned-model-turned actor knew it would give him the breadth to explore and showcase a character of complexity. “I wanted to do it because the character Jang Geun Won is fascinating. To be honest, there was some pressure since the whole drama actually begins with his story arc,” he explains.

Being cast in a role where he opens the series, Ahn took his prep seriously. “I communicated with the director extensively,” he says. “Reading the webtoon that Itaewon Class was based on and using it as a storyboard and guideline was very helpful. I also put a lot of thought into matching the styling – such as hair and wardrobe – to the webtoon version of Jang Geun Won.”

The role was ultimately the push that tipped Ahn into leading man category. From My Name, a 2021 eight-episode action thriller in which Ahn plays Detective Jeon Pil Do, and Yumi’s Cells, a 2022 romantic-comedy TV show told from the perspective of the cells within the lead character’s body and featuring Ahn as the love interest Goo Woong, to See You in My 19th Life, a 2023 fantasy series in which Ahn plays Moon Seo Ha, the heir in a conglomerate family with trauma from a car accident, and most recently, 2024’s Flex X Cop in which Ahn plays Jin Isoo, a wealthy, flighty third-generation business heir with a genius for detection, the actor is proving himself to be a flexible agent of his craft.

“I’ve enjoyed all the genres I’ve worked on including action and romantic comedies,” Ahn says. It’s not enough for him, though. “There are still many genres I haven’t tried my hand at yet and I look forward to taking on those challenges. Moving forward, I want to continue taking on diverse and interesting roles.”

The former amateur school boxing champion and graduate of Busan Sports High School never really thought about being an actor when he was young, but he was always inspired by what he saw broadcast on film and television. “I didn’t have a specific dream as a child. Watching the Olympics gave me dreams of becoming an athlete. It was only later when I watched a film about sports that also gave me the idea of becoming an actor,” Ahn says. “I think acting involves not only conveying messages through outward images but also expressing inner emotions externally. That’s why I try to think and put time into researching in greater detail to understand the emotions of a character more fully and convincingly deliver them to the audience.”

But Ahn’s success also comes from the fact that the actor chooses roles in which he sees a part of himself. “There are always some similarities between myself and the characters I play,” he explains. “When a character’s personality differs greatly from mine, I try to immerse myself through communication with the director and by preparing multiple versions of the performance.”
A combination of hard work and relatability, Ahn’s approach to his craft mirrors that of an athlete’s discipline. “I’ve never really thought about whether my path is the ‘right’ one but I’m grateful I get to do the acting I want to do. There have been many times when I felt tired, struggled or faced difficulties but I tried to overcome them by thinking of them as challenges. I would push myself hard but I’d also encourage myself by thinking that things will eventually get better.”

After entering the entertainment industry in 2007, Ahn spent seven years as a model before transitioning to acting in 2014. While he was successful in booking acting roles, his path to stardom was not necessarily smooth. “Like many people pursuing their dreams, I also worked hard and took on many different jobs. I’ve worked hard and it’s rewarding so I’d like to be able to tell my younger self, ‘You worked really hard. Well done.’”
Ahn really has worked hard. This year, audiences will finally be able to see Pretty Crazy come to the silver screen. Co-starring Yoona Im, the film is a romantic comedy – a genre that Ahn seems to have come to enjoy. “Romantic comedies are filled with fun moments and there’s a lot of laughter. I find the inherent lightheartedness of the genre to be very appealing,” he says.

While Ahn is still unused to watching himself on screen, he does enjoy the process of self-discovery that his metier allows.
“I don’t want to set specific goals. I just want to challenge myself with various genres and characters, and be able to show them to the public,” he says. “I also want to discover new sides of myself through acting. I think if I’m still acting and in the same place 10 years from now, I would be very grateful and happy.”

Between his films and TV shows, Ahn isn’t much of a slacker. On top of hanging out with friends, the former athlete maintains a workout regimen of weight training and cardio. “I focus on just one and push myself to the limit,” he says. The camper and bike rider is also always up for a challenge. Known to have ramen and pork cutlets on cheat days – because they’re “simple and quick to prepare” – Ahn has appeared on the variety show Backpacker Chefs, where he was tasked to cook with limited ingredients and tools for strangers. Having learned to cook when he first began living by himself, Ahn joined three other actors who were challenged to cook a meal each episode at an unfamiliar location with an unfamiliar guest using only one backpack provided to them with kitchen tools and ingredients.

“It was a joy to cook with such great team members and I’m grateful to everyone who enjoyed the food I made,” Ahn says. When asked about the most memorable meal he made on the show, he says, “The marinated tomato and mango bingsu (shaved ice) stands out. The marinated tomato was memorable because the theme was a ‘1,000 won feast’, which felt impactful given these times of high living costs. We really wanted to make it for the students who wanted fruit, even if it was a lot of work. The mango bingsu that we made for the kids’ taekwondo demonstration team was memorable because it was a dessert that was cold and fresh, but also echoed the idea of ‘breaking’ in taekwondo.”

Despite earning the accolade of “sexy chef” on the show, Ahn remains humble and thoughtful. When asked about his #legend, he says, “My #legend changes every time I work on a new project. It’s hard to pick just one because the feelings that stay with me differ depending on the project. My #legend isn’t fixed – it’s dynamic and constantly evolving into something new. That’s why keeping it a secret feels even more meaningful to me.”
Creative & Production / #legend
Creative Direction / Gordon Lam & Jacky Tam
Production / thizizcompany
Photography / Jawook Park
Styling / In Woo
Hair / Cho Cheonil
Make-Up / Jung Kyunghwa
Also see: Digital Cover: Louise Wong on taking challenging roles and thriving under pressure