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Choupette Lagerfeld – Life after Karl



Apr 01, 2019

I was Daddy's No.1 muse

Throughout the decades, figures of great power have always had an inseparable connection with their feline companions. Cleopatra had her royal cats, Abraham Lincoln had Tabby, Dr. Evil famously carried Mr. Bigglesworth wherever he went, and the internet had Grumpy Cat. It is doubtful to say any of these cats had two full time maids, flies exclusively on private jets and wears Chanel – though there’s an exception to this rule and her name is Choupette Lagerfeld.

After the fateful day of February 19, 2019, the death of Choupette’s father and famed German designer Karl Lagerfeld, the white furred, blue eyed Birman cat’s life was flipped upside down. With over 300k followers on her personal Instagram account, over ten thousand comments of support have been flooding in and consoling the sad pussy in her time of mourning.

#RIPDaddy t-shirt

But cats always land on their feet, and after a month, she is bravely facing the public and utilising her entrepreneurial genius, launched a commemorative #RIPDaddy collection of chic hoodies, t-shirts, iPhone cases and other memorabilia needed for the mourning of the late Karl Lagerfeld. You would think, what does the rumored heiress of Karl’s $200 million USD inheritance need with anymore money? This luxury cat is also a philanthropic one, she announced that a portion of the proceeds from the sales of this collection will go to the Helen Woodward Animal Center to help animals with less Chanel tweed jackets in their closet get the love they deserve.

Choupette finally breaks her silence and gives #legend the exclusive on her life after Karl. Raw, unedited and untranslated. 

Choupette Lagerfeld wears only the finest mourning gear

# Thank you for speaking with us Choupette, we are all very sad about the passing of Daddy Karl and you are very brave to be doing this.

CL Meow! Meow meow meow meow meow – meow meow meow.

# Yes, the support has been incredible! Was it nice to know that you didn’t have to go through this difficult period alone?

CL Purrr…meooow mew meow meow. Meow me…ow meow meow.

# Our continued condolences. On a lighter note, how many of your nine lives have you lived with Karl and how do you plan on finishing the rest of your lives before you become reacquainted with your father above?

CL *hisses* Meooo….purrr. Meow meow meow!! 

# Insightful. Going back to your unofficial reign at Chanel: it has been said that you possess an insatiable standard for haute couture, so you were always your father’s second opinion. Which was your favourite Haute Couture collection to edit in this lifetime?  

CL Meow. Meow meooow meow meow. *licks herself*

I only fly private, and drink Evian water

# I loved that one too. You’re doing some incredible work with the Helen Woodward Animal Center. During this time of rest, how are you able to continue to conduct yourself with such grace?

CL  Meoow. Meow meow meow….meow…meow. Meow meow meow meow meow.

# Thank you Choupette. Have you got any new projects coming up?

CL Meow meow meow, meow!

# A perfume collaboration with Chanel? You’ve really made your mark on the brand! What does it smell like?

CL *coos to herself* purrr…. meow.

# I can’t say I know what “expensive” smells like. But I’m really looking forward to getting my hands on a bottle. Final question: which is actually better…Lambskin or Caviar? 

CL Caviar, darling. Everyday. 

Choupette x Chanel - Choupette No.5

Buy the new Choupette No. 5, only available at www.hashtaglegend.com