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How to celebrate in Hong Kong without a New Year's Eve kiss



Dec 29, 2017

Add some fun to your last BNO of 2017 with these New Year's Eve traditions

There’s a lot of pressure that comes with New Year’s Eve. If you stay home, you’re subjecting yourself to some serious #FOMO but if you go out, you usually end up disappointed. Do things a little differently this year with these unique New Year’s Eve traditions from around the world that don’t involve kissing.

Choose the colour of your underwear carefully

La Perla is always a good choice for the ladies

If you’re reading this, chances are you aren’t expecting to get lucky either. Well, it’s always better to be safe than sorry. In some parts of Latin America, people believe that the colour of your underwear on New Year’s Eve will have an influence on your luck for the year ahead.

So pick your best-looking pair in a colour (and fate) of your choosing: yellow (wealth and success), red (if Tinder isn’t doing it for you), white (peace), green (for those looking to reconnect with nature) or blue (good health).

Eat 12 grapes at midnight 

How quickly can you eat 12 grapes?

This Spanish tradition dates back to the 1900s. Each time the clock chimes, Spaniards put a grape in their mouth—it makes things less or more awkward depending on how you look at it. Can you eat 12 grapes in 12 seconds? Now that we think about it… shots of wine are probably a lot more doable.

Put your right foot forward

This one’s a little too obvious for our taste but in many cultures, they believe in taking a step with your right foot at soon as it hits midnight. Similar traditions believe that your first step into your home should be made with the right foot so that you start off the new year the ‘right’ way for your friends and family.

You can always make a quick escape—leading with your right foot, of course— at midnight and pull a Cinderella. Calling it early on New Year’s Eve is never a bad thing. The later it gets, the more drama.

Bang your pots and pans or throw stuff out the window

Some countries such as Italy and South Africa, believe in getting rid of the old to welcome in the new. This can be anything from banging on pots and pans to drive off evil spirits to throwing out all your old, unwanted furniture from your window for a bit of early spring cleaning.

Drink your wish

You best pick a drink that can mask the taste

Party like the Russians, and write your wish on a piece of paper before burning it and pouring the ashes in your drink (gross but perhaps it’s worth a try?)—bottoms up!