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Back in Time: Island School 2003 Reunited



May 02, 2017

From left: Celina Jade, Kristina Snaith-Lense, Russell Doctrove, Katie Forster and Vishal Sani

They’ve grown up together and then furthered their education around the world; #legend reunites former schoolmates to find out what they’ve learned, how they earn and why schooldays matter


Occupation: Actor

What were you like at school?: I was definitely not the popular kid. I was quiet and kept to myself. I was petrified of taking drama but always looked up to the kids that did. I would have never believed I’d end up an actor.

Most important lesson: Being popular in high school is overrated. Be true to who you are.

Most cherished memory: Winning the student elections as a member of a fake ticket called Buddhist Funk. Russell, Vishal and I were in on the joke.


Occupation: Guest experience director, The Upper House 

Went on to study: Hospitality management

What were you like at school: Much more shy than today and with much longer hair

Most important lesson: Independence and a love of meeting new people

Cherished memory: Winning best dancer at camp


Occupation: Group corporate chef, Maximal Concepts 

Went on to study: Culinary arts management

What were you like at school: A cross between class clown and athlete. I soon realised I wasn’t a fan of being told what to do or how to behave. I earned the nickname Angry Child and I think I broke a record for receiving three Saturday detentions in my final year.

Most important lesson: Tolerance

Cherished memory: Realising I was a better chef than my home economics teacher


Occupation: Founder, Katherine Amara

Went on to study: English literature

What were you like at school: A bookworm and a foodie. I loved home economics and put my hand up for geeky activities such as the school quiz or debating team.

Most important lesson: Nurture strong friendships. In a city of transients, it’s important to ensure your friendships are permanent, irrespective of geography. 

Cherished memory: I was into music and drama, and sang with Peter Karrie. Singing with the Phantom of the Opera is a special experience.


Occupation: Co-founder, Made in Paradise

Went on to study: Marketing

What were you like at school: I always left things to the last minute and, in some cases, missed deadlines. I soon realised proper organisation was crucial to running a business. 

Most important lesson: School taught me to step out of my comfort zone. I built relationships with the jocks, the ravers, the awkward and the over-achievers.

Most cherished memory: Receiving the highest marks for GCSE Drama in Hong Kong. Move over, Dev Patel.

Photography / Samantha Sin 
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