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Artist Felix Gonzalez-Torres Makes China Debut



Nov 01, 2016

Felix Gonzalez-Torres “Untitled" (Perfect Lovers), 1987-1990 Wall clocks (Courtesy of The Felix Gonzalez-Torres Foundation)

The Rockbund Art Museum is showing the first solo exhibition in China of influential artist Felix Gonzalez-Torres, 1957-1996. The American artist was renowned for his unconventional methods and poignant sensitivity. The uniqueness of his work makes this exhibition more than a retrospective; it is a proper revival. The works are from 30 institutions and collections around the world. The exhibition invites the visitor to contemplate issues, public and private, that are still relevant today. Tension between the shared and the personal is a recurring theme in Gonzalez-Torres’ work. Much of it consists of mundane objects – light bulbs, mirrors, wall clocks or jigsaw puzzles – with a minimal aesthetic that prompts viewers to put the pieces together themselves, so a plurality of pictures emerges. Until December 25. rockbundartmuseum.org