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Actress Lisa Haydon Talks Style Tips on the Set of Nirav Modi's Global Campaign



Aug 04, 2016

Nirav Modi's global campaign, shot by Peter Lindbergh

​Nirav Modi has just unveiled its 2016 international campaign. Shot in New York by Peter Lindbergh, the campaign stars three global fashion icons: Rosie Huntington-Whiteley, Lisa Haydon and Andreea Diaconu. We catch an exclusive glimpse of the beautiful Haydon behind-the-scenes shots and dig into her style, her beauty routine and the kind of jewellery she wears on a daily basis.

Your introduction to Nirav Modi was quite serendipitous. How did you two first meet, and what did you know of the NIRAV MODI brand at that time?

I first spotted Nirav’s jewellery in his initial ads. I had a friend that was working with him at the time and I told him to tell Nirav his jewellery was amazing, just a fan somewhere, you know, admiring. I would see his campaigns and want to be in them. And one day it all came together. 

What’s the first Nirav Modi creation you remember seeing and what did you think of it?

So I ended up walking for him in a fashion show and that was the first time I got to see so many of his pieces up close. The first thing that popped was how exquisite it all was. The quality, finish, design – the intricacies and love that went into making each piece. Initially I thought… Nobody in the country is doing this. Then my next thought was… I don’t think anybody in the world is doing this! There is something so special about combining Indian heritage with the precision, quality and finish that Nirav gives his jewels. It’s truly special – one of a kind. 

Behind-the-scenes at the Nirav Modi shoot

Describe your look for the current campaign?

The whole look was very minimal and beautiful, drawing attention to the timeless sophistication of the jewellery. The make up and hair was natural and the clothes were all mainly silks and stains in champagne, grey and white. 

Tell us about a special moment from this shoot?

This shoot was a special moment in itself. Shooting with Peter Lindbergh is a special moment. I have always admired his ability to capture beauty in its authentic form. Definitely a highlight! 

How was it to work with Rosie and Andreea?

Well there was a lot of hugging and hair smelling due to the close proximity. Ha! But they are both such beautiful girls and it was a lot of fun shooting with them. 

How was your experience shooting with Peter Lindbergh?

He’s cool. We talked about Goa and how he’s been there many times over the years as well as his love for India. He talks a lot while he’s shooting and says really funny things… some I can understand but some I can’t. All in all he makes you laugh which I think he does to bring out natural vibrancy.

Andreaa Diaconu and Lisa Haydon on set

Is it safe to say that after being with Nirav Modi you know about diamonds a little more than you would have otherwise? What makes Nirav Modi jewels stand apart? 

Gosh yes! I usually ask about 300 questions at a shoot, so it’s pretty safe to say I know a little bit now. Indians are known for their elaborate jewellery. Nirav combines a bit of Indian heritage with sophisticated craftsmanship to bring about a whole new jewellery aesthetic that is very unique to Nirav while still being timeless and very classic. And then he has bespoke pieces like the Sunburst collection that just blow you away and make you a Nirav believer. I’ve never seen anything like what he makes. The quality and rarity of diamonds that come on a single piece combined is amazing. 

What is your favourite Nirav Modi jewel? 

Everything from the latest ‘Jasmine’ collection. 

A piece of jewel you would wear everyday?

The Embrace Bangle as it is now made in a slim size that I feel can be worn permanently as it goes seamlessly with everything. 

What is your ideal engagement ring?

Something with a vintage setting… I love diamonds and sapphires. I’d also be happy with anything simple and elegant and not too big as it is something I’d wear every day. 

Three words that describe Nirav Modi?

Original, quality, timeless and one of a kind – but that’s seven words.

Lisa Haydon with the Nirav Modi Embrace bangle

What kind of jewels do you like wearing?

Jewellery is very personal. I like to wear pieces that don’t ever have to be taken off. They almost become a part of you. For this reason I love the Embrace bangle and the Lotus pendant. They are delicate pieces that you can eat, sleep, work and play in, that make you feel special all the time because you know you are wearing something exquisitely made. 

What is your personal style statement?

Actually my ideal style is very much like the styling in the latest Peter Lindbergh campaign – easy and chic. 

Tell us about your upcoming film projects.

Well at the moment I’ve been filming for India’s Next Top model. The show is personal for me because it is aspirational for young girls all around the country to work hard to achieve their dreams – and that it is possible. We take girls from ordinary backgrounds and catapult them into extraordinary situations. Being beautiful is not enough. And this show teaches girls that success is much more about hard work, focus, determination and creativity – especially under pressure. On the film front, there are two new projects which will be up for discussion shortly.

How do you stay so fit and gorgeous?

Firstly, thank you. Actually I should thank my parents. A lot is genetic… I do pilates a few times a week… it’s really important for me to feel good and healthy. And I’m not capable of dieting so I exercise to compensate all my iniquities.  I find physical exercise relaxing. 

Behind-the-scenes at the Nirav Modi shoot

What is your beauty regime?

At the moment I’m using a Chanel face wash followed by SK-11 essential water. Then I moisturise … lately it’s been a La Roche-Posay moisturiser. 

Top five things you can’t leave the house without?

Kiehl’s lip balm, phone charger, phone, a bottle of Mulshi spring water and cash cards. 

Is there anything other than acting you would rather do?

I wouldn’t “rather” do anything else as such. Acting enables me to still dip into the fashion world working with magazines and endorsing only brands I truly love. Having said that, I do have many interests like playing music. I hopefully will take singing lessons so I can sing while I play the guitar; travel; natural beauty therapies like my own organic skincare line, Naked. I’d also like to get back into yoga after spending my time running marathons. It’s nice to have varied interests to keep things interesting. 

Your favourite style icon?

My mother was an extremely elegant woman in every way. 

Who is your biggest Hollywood crush?

Sadly no one at the moment. That could all change. My crushes are usually temporary and film-inspired. My last crush would have been Ryan Reynolds in Deadpool.