100 Takes: Metavision presents Hong Kong’s most ambitious NFT arts
May 13, 2022
“Presented by K11 MUSEA, METAVISION is Hong Kong’s most ambitious showcase of NFT art to date. With the aim to democratise and demystify NFT art for all, the large-scale showcase encompasses the most iconic and hottest NFT creations from names like CryptoPunks, Art Blocks, Mutant Ape Yacht Club (MAYC), as well as local NFT artists including Arthus Ng, Felix Ip and The French Girl.” – METAVISION
(B)APETAVERSE #5342 (B)APETAVERSE #5343 Allison Bamcat Maria Amazing Devya Wing Magic Love King Snake by Arthus Ng Azuki #7123 BORED APE YACHT CLUB (BAYC) #8252 BORED APE YACHT CLUB #197 BORED APE YACHT CLUB #3749 BORED APE YACHT CLUB #4184 BORED APE YACHT CLUB #7217 BORED APE YACHT CLUB #7286 BORED APE YACHT CLUB #7676 Brian Morris Püdl Prince Chromie Squiggle #744 by Art Blocks Chromie Squiggle_#999 by Art Blocks Chromie Squiggle_#3095 by Art Blocks CloneX #17138 by CLONE X – X TAKASHI MURAKAMI CloneX #10137 CloneX #14471 CloneX #19262 Crypto Punk #1970 Crypto Punk #5158 Crypto Punk #8236 Cryptopunk #7610 CyberKong #3473 by CyberKongz CyberKongz VX Sith #1000 CYBERKONGZ Olaf The Apeman #741 Diela Maharanie The King Doodles #7573 Doodles #9243 Bird of Paradise by Eric Karbeling Dazzling Pattern#2 Central 60s by Felix Ip Soaring Skytram by Felix Ip I miss the good ol’ days by FEWOCiOUS Us kids never forget by FEWOCiOUS Foodmasku Cheeseboard Foodmasku_Croissant HSBC X VICTOR WONG (June) Jon’s Pizza Shop by Jon Burgerman Pizza #1414 Jon’s Pizza Shop by Jon Burgerman Pizza #4074 Jon’s Pizza Shop by Jon Burgerman Pizza #4406 Juju devils #140 Kofi Obuobi DOGON MASK Meowdel #1113 Meridians #983 by Art Blocks MOAR by Joan Cornellà Adrian Monica Rizzolli Fragments of an Infinite Field #261 by Art Blocks Monica Rizzolli Fragments of an Infinite Field #996 by Art Blocks MUTANT APE YACHT CLUB #3013 MUTANT APE YACHT CLUB #10395 MUTANT APE YACHT CLUB #21300 MUTANT APE YACHT CLUB #30003 NON FRAGMENT TOKEN #376 Noun 69 by NOUN Boxing Dim sum girl by Popil Papaver Rhoeas Girl by Popil Reaching for the Sky Remarkable Women #1027 Remarkable Women #1761 Remarkable Women #1995 Remarkable Women #4430 Remarkable Women #4998 Remarkable Women #5094 Remarkable Women #5355 Ringers by Dmitri Cherniak #208 by Art Blocks Ringers by Dmitri Cherniak #879_by Art Blocks Ringers by Dmitri Cherniak #911 by Art Blocks Rocket Factory by Tom Sachs Budweiser Body Rocket Factory by Tom Sachs Budweiser Nose Cone Rocket Factory by Tom Sachs Budweiser Tail Assembly Rocket Factory by Tom Sachs Chanel Cronus Rocket Factory by Tom Sachs – Hello Kitty Rocket Factory by Tom Sachs- Premium Beans Squiggles #5767 Subscapes #40 by Art Blocks Subscapes #73 by Art Blocks Subscapes #259 Subscapes #533 by Art Blocks Subscapes #629 by Art Blocks lulublanc by Tengteng Tezos Chain #133 Tezos Chain #149 Tezos Chain_#41 Tezos Chain_#179 The Economist Down the rabbit hole The EverLasting Beautiful by FEWOCiOUS #1_1 THE FRENCH GIRL CRYPTO DOUBLE HEART #2 THE FRENCH GIRL CRYPTO DOUBLE HEART #3 THE FRENCH GIRL CRYPTO DOUBLE HEART #SAPPHIRE The Other Side #96 The Other Side #105 The Other Side #4120 The Other Side by Blue Fountain Ode to Monet 02 by tokyorockstar Women Rise #9652 World of Women #9515 Yusuke Hanai People In The Place They Love People #38 Zwandluster 102HK series-Fever Non fungible escargot #02 by Popil