Banksy's Dismaland boat sculpture is going for №2
Dec 04, 2018
Banksy’s ‘Girl with balloon’ painting was sold for US$1.4 million and yet a giant sculpture of a boat that was displayed in his Dismaland theme park will now be sold for only £2 (US$2.55) but there’s a catch.
Last weekend, Banksy took on to his Instagram account to let people know that they only need two things to own the sculpture. First, £2 (US$2.55) and secondly luck or a good knowledge in Physics.
All you have to do is visit the Choose Love website, pay the price and find the weight to the nearest gram. In the website he has given specific details that include the dimensions of the boat and the materials used to make it. Therefore, you could either try your luck and guess the weight or do the math. Each person is free to take part in this competition as many times as they wish until December 22, 2018 (8pm GMT).
According to the website, the boat will then be weighed by specialist students from Kings College London and the person whose answer is the closest will be the winner.
Similarly, his Dismaland, which he describes as “an amusement park like no other”, reflects the harsh truth of the lives of refugees. While most amusement parks have a utopian feel to it, this ‘bemusement’ park has the dystopian touch.
All the money spent on this guessing game will be used to help the refugees in need. Are you going to play too?